Not a bug

command line behaves inconsistently concerning opening new windows

Thomas Jachmann 13 років тому оновлено Jon Skinner 13 років тому 3
My open_files_in_new_window setting is set to false.

Here's how sublime behaves:
`subl a_file` opens the file in the current sublime window
`subl a_directory` opens the directory in a new sublime window
`subl -n a_file` opens the file in a new sublime window
`subl -n a_directory` opens the directory in a new sublime window but also opens another new and empty  sublime window

Here's how it would be consistent:
`subl a_file` opens the file in the current sublime window (same as above)
`subl a_directory` adds the directory to the current sublime window
`subl -n a_file` opens the file in a new sublime window (same as above)
`subl -n a_directory` opens the directory in a new sublime window without opening another sublime window

So basically, the new window behavior is broken on opening directories.


Not a bug
The command line is working as intended with respect to folders and new windows in the current dev builds (unwarranted empty windows are no longer created)
Not a bug
The command line is working as intended with respect to folders and new windows in the current dev builds (unwarranted empty windows are no longer created)
Just downloaded the 2144, and things improved:

`subl -n a_directory` doesn't open another empty sublime window


`subl a_directory` still opens a new sublime window instead of adding the directory to the current sublime window

This might be intended behavior, but it seems inconsistent, since `subl a_directory` and `subl -n a_directory` don't behave any different.
-a can be used to add a folder to an existing window
So, -n is just used for files and will be ignored for directories. That's what I meant talking of inconsistency: The default for files is to open in the current window which you can override with -n whereas the default for directories is to open in a new window which you can override with -a.

I didn't expect sublime to behave differently depending on whether I specify a file or a directory. I'd rather prefer the same behavior for both and just one switch to override that behavior, but If this is not the intention, then ok.