
Adaptive Goto File/Anything result list

Stian Grytøyr 13 ár síðan updated by Jon Skinner 13 ár síðan 8
Make the default result list in Goto File/Anything (before you have typed anything) ordered by when you last opened the file, so that the previous file you worked on is at the top, the file you opened before that second etc. This would make keyboard based file navigation much more efficient, imho.


This was added in 2126
Yes to this a thousand times.
Oh yeah, I too would love to see this implemented. ST2 already appears to maintain the necessary stack for this, as seen in the new Switch file menu.

YES! YES! This is one of the major things I'm missing after switching from TextMate. 

Would be HUGE!  Really miss this from TextMate.
Perhaps it would be easy if you could cycle through the last used search terms with the left and right arrow keys.
This was added in 2126
Not quite working here (build 2164). For example:

1. I open a new window.

2. I create files A, B, C in tabs.

3. I close file C.

4. I run "Open Anything" but don't type anything.

5. The list now shows A and B, but not C.

It seems that closed files are not included in the list, only currently opened ones, followed by the files in the root of the project.

It's also weird about what is made the first choice:

1. New window.

2. Open files A, B, C.

3. I make A active (by clicking its tab). "Open Anything"'s first choice is now C.

4. I make B active. "Open Anything"'s first choice is now C.

5. I make C active. "Open Anything"'s first choice is now A.

6. I make A active. "Open Anything"'s first choice is now C.

5. I make C active. "Open Anything"'s first choice is now C.


Seems it's always two steps behind. However, if I select something from the "Open Anything" list, the next top choice is always the previous file, which is correct.

Yeah, I'm on 2164 here and the most recent files only appear in the Ctrl-P list if they're open. When I close them, they disappear from the menu and the list is sorted alphabetically as it always was.

If I start typing the first few letters of a file that was recently closed, it jumps to select that file, even if there are several that named similarly, but that's not as useful as having a list of the most recently opened files right there at the top of the list.