
View encoding of file and convert encoding

daniel magnusson 14 years ago updated by Denis Abramov 12 years ago 4

Make it possible to view file encoding and convert it.  ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-8 without BOM etc. 


 The idea is great. It is very very comfortable to do this in textmate (the option is placed in the status bar - you just click and a menu with differente encodings and options pops up!)

It would also be great to change the current used syntax for the file that way - lets say youre viewing an html file and want to switch to php syntax

Many text editors already have this built-in and is considered a standard, not a feature. Was genuinely surprised that Sublime 2 didn't have it.
I noticed that saving as UTF-8 in Sublime Text 2 saves without BOM automatically, but it would be nice if it is labeled as that.

Notepad++ has an Encoding menu where you can really easy and effectively manage encodings and I would like to see something similar in Sublime.


Need to convert to ANSI! Have to install notepad++ back because of it.