Poor or non-existant javascript autocompletion?
Compared to other autocompletions like PHP, javascript seems to be pretty bad..
Is this a bug or something which just has to be improved?

agibsonsw 13 lat temu
In the meantime, I'm quite proud of my own JS completions file https://github.com/agibsonsw/AndySublime
It's (fairly) complete and does useful things like pre-pending 'document', 'window' to certain methods/attributes.
But I've received limited feedback for it. I could revise it to automatically append a semi-colon to specific methods..

aristidesfl 13 lat temu
a package would have the advantage of being conveniently kept updated by sublimePackageManager..

aristidesfl 13 lat temu
@agibsonsw How to say this without sounding like a jackass...?
the completitios you made pop up erratically in every ocasion so they are quite unusable and distracting (for me)..
maybe that's the reason of limited feedback?

agibsonsw 13 lat temu
I was unaware of this issue. The file setting "auto-complete":true causes auto-complete to be triggered automatically when typing. Changing this to false would then require Ctrl-Space (or Tab) to display/use the completions. This setting can be made syntax specific.

agibsonsw 13 lat temu
.. alternatively, you can increase the auto-complete delay - this gives the chance to type a few characters before the auto-complete list pops up.
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