Syntax highlighting for HAML and SASS/SCSS
HAML is an indentation-based syntax for generating HTML. SASS is an indentation-based syntax for generating CSS. SASS also has a nested syntax called SCSS that is closer in appearance to CSS. Both languages are really popular in the Ruby/Rails communities. As much as I love Sublime Text 2 (thanks for the Linux love, by the way), it is nearly useless when editing these files.
Customer support service by UserEcho
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages
git clone git://github.com/kuroir/SCSS.tmbundle.git "SCSS"
It'd be much easier for all if Sass syntax highlighting was included
I'm using
n00ge / sublime-text-haml-sass but have no comment toggling - which is more of handicap than one might first think. Does anyone know if the comment toggling controlled by the syntax - or should I look elsewhere for a solution?