Online Info Blog: Millions of Net Users Possibly Exposed

Online Info Blog: Millions of Net Users Possibly Exposed

“Without requiring any user interaction, the initial script reports information about the victim’s machine to the attacker’s remote server. Based on server-side logic, the target is then served either a clean image or its almost imperceptibly modified malicious evil twin.

“Using the known Internet Explorer vulnerability CVE-2016-0162, the encoded script attempts to verify that it is not being run in a monitored environment such as a malware analyst’s machine,” and if the script does not detect any signs of monitoring, it redirects to the Stegano exploit kit’s landing page.

Upon successful exploitation, the executed shell code collects information on installed security products and performs – as paranoid as the cyber-criminals behind this attack – yet another check to verify that it is not being monitored. If results are favorable, it will attempt to download the encrypted payload from the same server again, disguised as a gif image.

​Online fraud detection: Trend Micro Predicts More Sophisticated Cyber-Attacks in 2017

Finlay Anderson 8 lat temu 0

Companies around the world are under constant cyber-attack. Cyber-criminals in 2016 were able to target companies on several fronts, hitting them with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that knocked their web applications offline and cut them off from their customers for hours at a time. They used phishing attacks to dupe employees into disclosing network login information so they could break in and steal data and trade secrets. Unfortunately, security software company Trend Micro says things won’t change very much in 2017. Rather, Trend Micro’s cyber-threat predictions for the New Year suggest hackers will increase their attacks on mobile platforms and the internet of things (IoT). They also will continue their practice of scamming employees with worthless spam emails and phishing messages. In addition, Trend Micro believes an emerging threat known as cyber-propaganda could be used to foment unrest and destabilize national governments. All the while, hackers are expected to rake in billions of dollars from their activities. This slide show will cover Trend Micro’s predictions on the security threats companies will face in 2017 and suggest what people and enterprises can do to protect themselves from increasingly sophisticated attacks.

The Internet of Things Becomes a Hacker Haven. Connected devices will be important tools for hackers in 2017. Trend Micro predicts hackers will use IoT devices as “sleeper agents” that they’ll pool together for much larger attacks against important infrastructure, launching “massive DDoS attacks” via the devices. They’ll also try to take down wide swaths of the internet and “pummel” major organizations.


Add a "completion trigger" option to completion files

Niabr 8 lat temu 0

For large completion files that take over the suggestions box, having a a "completion trigger" would be helpful to trigger certain completions, for example:



"completion trigger": "M-",






would cause sublime to only suggest the completions in the file after the user types "M-". This could be used for auto completing common methods, like ".length()" in java would be completed with "M-length", but not when trying to type a variable name, like "length".


Embed search results view in the current tab like NotePad++

Praveen Kumar 8 lat temu 0

I am fan of Sublime text editor and it's awesome in searching capability. The only thing I don't like is the search results are in a new tab. This makes us to switch b/w search results tab and actual files hit.

I feel if we can have a small search results view in the bottom like NotePad++ it would make the editor better in-terms of search experience. Great work!!


is SublimeREPL dead? Alternatives for R?

becritical 8 lat temu 0

The git space seems dead, I see a lot of PR in the queue, no activity in the issues, old code. I find REPL unstable and wondering if there are alternatives, it's a pity beacuse sublime text is a great tool for R but the unreliability almost forces me to switch to R studio.


separate keys for navigating between places in snippets, and for autocompleting within a place

mako yass 8 lat temu 0

EG, I am going through the snippet

for(int ${2:i}=0; $2<${1:count}; ${3:++$2}){

${0:/* code */}

My cursor starts at ${1:count}, and I want to type itemChainAngles.size(). Naturally I type itan<tab> to autocomplete to 'itemChainAngles', but of course this leaves the count variable as 'itan'
and moves me to the next place, ${2:i}. It would be good if it were possible to assign a different key to moving between places in a snippet than the one we use for autocompletion. I don't see any keybindings for moving between places, so it looks like, if its possible at all, I would have to rebind autocompletion to something less opportune than <tab>. You can see how this would not be ideal.


Shift-click and Ctrl-click to multi-select tabs for dragging like in Chrome

entheh 8 lat temu 0

It would be nice if:

- Multiple file tabs could be selected at once;

- Ctrl-click would add or remove the clicked tab;

- Shift-click would select a range of tabs;

- Ctrl-Shift-click would add a range to the selection.

Then the set of tabs selected could be dragged out into a new window or between windows, as is already possible for single tabs.

Google Chrome implements this if you want an example. Bizarrely I first had a dream in which it was possible in Chrome, then woke up and tried it and it worked!


Show Build Results hot key

Tom L 8 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Keith Hall 7 lat temu 1

This would be extremely useful when I want to reopen the build results, without having to use a mouse to click through the menus.


Totally/Ultimate Distraction Free Mode

I'd like to have black sides in Distraction Free Mode.
So that it will look like this:

Image 404

Rather than what is now:Image 405


File change tracker

ginkod 8 lat temu zaktualizowano 8 lat temu 0

Currently, there seems to be no way to visibly track files after a change. I think this is an imperative feature especially if you are working on very large projects and make changes to substantial amount of files daily.

It would be nice to see your directory and file(s) with a colored icon or filename in a different color to mark that a change has occurred. I think this would be a very valuable feature in sublime. Thanks!


Multiple monitors snapping

Danielduel 8 lat temu zaktualizowano 8 lat temu 1

If I have sublime text maximized on 2 monitors in Windows and I choose grid 3:

The first monitor should be 2 cells [(monitor width - project explorer)/2 width each] and project explorer

The 2nd monitor should be 1 cell.

4 cells:

The first monitor should be 2 cells [(monitor width - project explorer)/2 width each] and project explorerThe 2nd monitor should be 2 cells [(monitor width)/2 width each].


Text should be selected when tabbing into a new field

Lee Campbell 8 lat temu 0

When I bring up the Replace panel (Find | Replace...), the text in the "Find What" input is fully selected. That's expected. However, when I tab to the next field, "Replace With:" the cursor is placed at the end of the existing text. The expected behavior would be to select all the text in the destination field as you're using the tab key to move into that field.


Hamilton Marsden Custom Furniture: Tips on how to buy bespoke furniture

Achieving a unique and interesting home is possible if you place some bespoke furniture in it.Bespoke furniture or custom-made furniture can have a simple or complicated design, depending on your needs. You can also save a certain amount of money and find quality pieces if you're going to be wise in buying bespoke furniture.

It's known in some parts of London that people look for the professional attention of Hamilton Marsden Custom Furniture when they need to alter their old furniture into beautiful and stylish pieces, but some people still choose to buy brand new pieces. Provided in the following are basic tips in finding the best bespoke furniture for your home.

Search for reviews

The internet is the best source of reviews on certain products and services to avoid being scammed. It would be a smart choice to gather data on a specific company first before buying any furniture. Ensure that the company is really trustworthy and provides high-quality pieces with an affordable price.

Look at online furniture stores

Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden previously provided some tips on buying online, so it's also preferable to buy bespoke furniture on furniture stores residing online. You should also visit some local stores in your area to compare prices and decide which one is the best for your budget and for your home.

Practice consistency

Understand that consistency is essential because nothing is achieved without it. Even if it will take some more time, don't stop until you find the best furniture for your home. Make sure that you will feel happy and contended with the pieces you buy.

Compare prices

If you are considering your budget in buying bespoke furniture, then it is better to compare the prices of different furniture found online and in stores first to find the piece that fits perfectly into your budget where you can save up to 50 percent.

Follow those simple tips mentioned above and you're close to finding the best bespoke furniture for your home. Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden hopes that you will have a unique and special home soon with your chosen bespoke furniture.


Fortran highlighting

sfortran 8 lat temu 0


The OS in my computer is Windows 10 and I have Sublime Text 3.0. But it does not have Fortran highlighting. I tried several times to remedy this, but all failed. I was wondering if you give me a clear way to make it.

Thank you!


Minor feature request: Allow bare "option" as a keypress in keymap.

Nathaniel 8 lat temu 0

I love sublime text, but one thing has kept me from switching from TextMate: the ability to flip between column selections and regular selection by hitting the "option" key. I've written a quick plug-in to do it, but I'd love to be able to use the same muscle-memory keybinding as textmate.

Would it be possible to add


as a key-command?

Thanks for your wonderful work,



Bacall and Associates Tips: Looking for income Bank shares are set to become the new ‘utilities’

Alletta Simpson 8 lat temu 0

Fund manager Guy Monson says unlikely at it seems now, ‘utility-style banks’ will become ‘reassuringly dull sources of regulated dividend flows’

More than seven years after the global credit crisis wiped out the equity base of most Western banks, the industry continues to be something of a millstone for global investors.

UK and international bank stocks are down more than 10pc this year to date after a poor 2015 – a decline that has already been enough to delay the planned offering of some of the UK government’s 9.9pc stake in Lloyds Banking Group. Such is the pessimism around the industry that a substantial number of Western banks are trading below book value, with UK banks now at an almost 25pc discount.

Intuitively this feels wrong; yes, banks are still facing a trail of fines and litigation costs (and in the UK’s case further provisions for the giant PPI mis-selling scandal), but surely overall conditions for domestic banking are improving? The economy is strengthening, unemployment is low and regulators are at last sounding more dovish.

The US has begun, albeit tentatively, to raise rates, offering the hope of improving lending margins in the future, while bank capital ratios have consistently surpassed market expectations despite the higher than expected “one-offs”. So are banks simply misunderstood, or will poor asset quality and meagre loan growth dog the sector for years to come?

• ‘Telegraph 25’: the definitive list of our favourite investment funds Our contention is that the best of the global banks are just starting to morph from the high beta, volatile recovery stories of the last few years into something that might one day resemble more of a regulated utility.

Think for a moment what the characteristics of a quoted utility are. Typically, they have low business risk, predictable but moderate revenue growth, low market beta and secure dividend flows. They are usually subject to government regulation, and in return offer more visible long-term income streams, even if capital growth is modest.

It may sound outlandish to those investors who have suffered so much, but perhaps one could imagine a day when the larger domestic banks are also seen as reassuringly dull sources of regulated dividend flows.

So what might a new “utility style” bank look like? First, the business model will be much simpler than the mishmash of investment banking, lending and leverage that we knew a decade ago. Domestic retail banking, with high barriers to entry, large deposit bases and add-on credit card and other wealth services will be at the core of their models.

To achieve this will require considerable spending on today’s antiquated IT systems, but on the plus side a smaller branch network (UBS research shows that the median UK bank branch is just 2.2 miles from another of the same brand). Second, operational complexity and risk will be reduced by limiting derivative exposure and minimising risk capital across their shrunken investment banking divisions.

Third, we will see the new “utility banks” limit their cross-border exposure as the risks involved in international operations will add to capital requirements for all “Systemically Important Banks”. Banks, in other words, will relish becoming boring, returning to their core mission and limiting capital intensity and operational complexity.

• The other ‘patient’ fund outperforming Neil Woodford offers another chance to invest

Under this scenario, the shareholder value destruction that has been the norm for more than a decade could soon be a thing of the past. The triggers will be a resumption in dividend payouts in the UK and Europe, share-buy-backs in the US, more prudent capital stewardship and greater visibility (particularly in distributable reserves and mark to market gains). If we are right that the sector offers the prospect of utility-like income flows, then the timing could be fortuitous.

With equity income funds in the UK (and globally) fretting about likely dividend cuts in the energy and mining sectors, the banks have an opportunity to reclaim the position they held for more than a decade pre-crisis as the reliable core of both UK and global dividend strategies.

This offers bank shareholders the prospect not just of a stable income stream, but also of a potential re-rating, as the stronger banks with surplus capital are slowly welcomed back as respected members of the blue-chip, dividend paying fold.

• Guy Monson is chief investment officer at Sarasin & Partners and a managing partner


Have undo switch files so you can undo changes made to multiple files in the order they were made.

Thomas 8 lat temu 0

Web development encourages file modularization, which results in many files each holding small amounts of code. This means you end up making a sequence of changes to multiple javascript, css, html (etc) files to implement a single change. If you do this and the changes together break your project you suddenly need to remember which files you changed and in which order.

It would be great to have an undo command that remembered changes in a time series that included the sequence of files that were changed. Thus each time you issued the undo command the previous file changed would open (if it's not already open) and the undo would occur.


Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden Custom Furniture Review: What are the benefits of furniture restoration?

If you have your own house, you probably want your family and friends to see stylish and quality furniture in it. A collection of different and distinctive furniture could add color and life to your home, so be mindful about the brand, design, and style of each furniture piece because it should match your entire home decoration.

However, there will come a time where your favorite furniture can’t no longer serve its purpose to you since things are not meant to last forever. Are you planning to buy a new one instead? Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden wants you to think about it twice and simply consider restoring the furniture. Furniture restoration often happens when people are running out of budget and can't afford to buy a new one, or they don't want to get rid of the sentimental value their furniture has.

In order to preserve the original look and the functionality of a specific furniture, furniture restoration is needed wherein that particular piece will be carefully cleaned and repaired. Other than saving time and money, furniture restoration can also give you other significant benefits such as the following:

Enhanced design and style

Yes, this is possible even without spending a lot of money. Furniture restoration can give an improved design and style to your furniture. This way, you can also preserve its value and give a new life to your furniture.


Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden finds out that it takes a thousand times more carbon dioxide to create a new furniture piece than restoring one. In order to minimize the effect of carbon on the environment, most people choose furniture restoration and refinishing. If you want to make a contribution to save the environment, then make an eco-friendly decision all the time.

Restored functionality

Being able to use a particular furniture once again is considered the greatest benefit furniture restoration can give to you. Some furniture these days are not made with the same high-quality wood as before, thus, Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden recommends that you should restore your old furniture than buy a new one. The organization is confident to say that your newly restored furniture will last for another 10 years.

The benefits of furniture restoration mentioned above are simply the basics. Be updated on Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden posts to see other in-depth posts related to antique furniture and restoration process. Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden can do an excellent job to your furniture without damaging it using their distinctive equipment, tools, and techniques. Check out good reviews of him to furniture fraud restorers online.


Eric Hamilton Marsden Restorers: Tips on how to blend antique furniture with modern furniture

Shexiamae Chiaxin 8 lat temu 0

Nowadays, almost every homeowner prefer modern furniture because of its clean style and sometimes because of its dual function. But Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden Furniture Restorers sees it’s also possible to mix and match modern furniture with antique home furniture because it could turn out into something astonishing. With enough creativity, combining both modern and antique furniture could add more distinct vibe to your home. If you're interested in some tips, here are some important pointers by Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden Furniture Restorers that could help you make this combination work.

Put new antique and vintage pieces to add life to your home

A room with only modern furniture can be dull-looking, so the addition of antique and vintage furnishings can add glamor to it. You can look at Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden Furniture Restorers's previous post about looking for a good vintage shop to help you find the right shop for your interests. After shopping for the vintage furniture that you like, find the right spot in your house where you can put it. Antique and vintage furniture can serve as good accessories in your home because it could break the monotonous aura it once has.

Use antique furnishings with different designs

Trying to set up your home to show only a certain era in history is boring, it's better to show that you've been collecting different pieces throughout the years. It would be amazing to see different antique and vintage furniture in your home that has unique designs. This could also avoid conflict between your modern home furnishings and the kind of antique set that you have in mind.

Make a repetitive pattern or a common color scheme

Things could also work out if you use repetition through a pattern or a common color scheme in designing your modern and antique furnishings. It's not that hard to make different pieces of furniture complement each other because there are a lot of ways available to accomplish this, including choosing a common color scheme for the pieces that you’re going to put in a particular room. It's also possible to draw one's vision to specific items inside that room by applying repetition such as in the fabric's pattern or using an accent color or a palette.

Use oversized antique furniture to create the illusion of more space

You could make your room look bigger by using oversized antique pieces. Modern furniture combined with huge antique and vintage furniture could look great if matched properly. Consider this tip especially when you are redecorating your house because it could be helpful to you and can be used to your advantage and to avoid fraud carefully check all furniture first before finalizing to make a purchase online .

Repurpose some of your antique and vintage furniture

After several years, a specific piece may have served its purpose to your home, so it's time for you to change it into something new. Make some huge alterations in the way your home looks like by doing this method. For example, you can turn your antique bed into a beautiful bench, or you can hang your old drawers on the wall and use them as shelves. Don't keep a furniture in one room forever and give your place a whole new appearance once in a while.

If you're into mixing and matching things, then combining modern and antique furniture in your home would be an exciting treat for you. You must be comfortable in your design and make sure that it could captivate your family and friends. Most antique furniture is known for their well-built feature and their distinct look is really good that's why several homeowners prefer those pieces to be in their home. Just let your creativity do the job, simply make sure to maintain a good balance between your modern furniture and antique furnishings.


Embedded viewer

Vegar Ottesen 8 lat temu 0

Using Sublime for LaTeX I frequently find myself wanting to view the resulting PDF in a tile withink Sublime. This would beneficial for the screen realestate used during writing.