
Code folding doesn't work properly

Henrique Boaventura 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Felipe Prenholato 13 aastat tagasi 1
Code folding on PHP classes doesn't work properly. When the hotkey to fold is hit, it folds the entirely class, even if you're inside a method or a condition/lood block.

system level dialogs should support keyboard "Don't save" "d" and "Cancel" "c"

kjayne 13 aastat tagasi 0

keyboard d or c should sould to trigger the respective buttons

Open a directory, as it was a project.

Zic 13 aastat tagasi 0

 Open a directory, as it was a project. Listing files and dirs in sidebar. Without saving any project file, if the user haven't made changes that need to be saved in a project settings file.


Remember tab positions when switching viewports

Abhishek Rastogi 13 aastat tagasi 0
When switching from a split view to a single view, or a quad view, have the tabs remember which group they belonged to... When you have 3 tabs on the right, and 4 on the left, and you need the screen space for a second, you switch to a single pane mode, they all get grouped together... When you switch back, the tabs all stay clumped in one group... :-(

Treat panels as tabs

Nilium 12 aastat tagasi 0

So, this is an "it'd be nice" request (meaning it's possibly unreasonable or poorly thought out): it'd be nice to treat all panels — output panels, find results panels, the console, etc. as regular tabs. That way they can be moved around, don't take up a whole enormous chunk of the bottom of the window all the time, and otherwise behave as expected rather than as these strange, unique things. They could be read-only tabs for all it matters, the point is just to make sure they operate on the same level as regular tabs.

One issue here would be where to put a new output panel, then, in which case a layout option might need to be added to say "this is the spot where new panels go." So, for instance, if you had the following (note: the new property is "panel_location"):

  "caption": "Layout: 1 by 2",
  "command": "set_layout",
    "cols": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
    "rows": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
    "cells": [
      [0, 0, 1, 2],
      [1, 0, 2, 1],
      [1, 1, 2, 2]
    "panel_location": [ 1, 0 ]

Where "panel_location" would specify the default location of new panels using [column, row] (or [x, y]), which refers to the closest column and row that the layout can match (or just specifying a point in percentages [based on the cols/rows properties] that falls inside a given layout region). This is slightly hackey though and would probably break once the layout changes, requiring some sane default.

Another way of handling it would be to add a preference that specifies a corner to add the panel to and then find the layout region in that corner, sending the panel to it. This would work better for folks who change their layout frequently. Optionally, it could also create a new layout region, but I figure that would also have to have an associated preference, so who knows.

At any rate, right now, the fixed panel location is something of a hindrance, especially given that we're pretty much only seeing widescreen displays and panels take up the entire width of a window, thereby wasting a lot of space. So, again, it'd be nice to be able to move around panels and treat them like tabs. If nothing else, it would be nice to see them at least work in a way that's a lot less obtrusive.


A brief description of the function may be good

Hari K T 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
A brief description of the function may be good :) , so we know in autocompletion whether we are looking for the same or not.

Tooltips for Find appear below bottom of the screen

Daniel Matarazzo 13 aastat tagasi 0
On OS X, if the window reaches the bottom of the screen the tooltips for buttons in the Find box appear offscreen.

on_selection_modified is invoked only with the first view, not the view whose selection was modified

glyph 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
I expected that in my event listener, on_selection_modified(view) would take the view whose selection was modified.

However, as per the API documentation, "many of these events are triggered by the buffer underlying the view, and thus the method is only called once, with the first view as the parameter".  So on_selection_modified is just invoked with whatever the open view happens to be.  However, this does not seem accurate: my understanding is that the selection is a property of the view, not the buffer.  (This is borne out by the fact that different View objects with the same buffer_id() will return different values from sel().)

This means that plugins such as SublimeLinter will only show me errors in the leftmost pane that happens to have a particular file open.

Worse, I can't find a way to quickly find all other open views so that I can easily update them, other than scanning through every view open in the non-current group, looking for matching buffer_id()s.

Setting to auto resize Open File sidebar based on file name or folder

Jacob Hayes 11 aastat tagasi 0

Add a setting to make the Open File sidebar automatically resize when opening/renaming files and folders. Instead of having to double click on the sidebar's outline to resize, it would do so automatically.

To extend this, could add another setting to set the max width either in pixels or maybe % of workspace.


Custom Extension Syntax Highlighting Mode

Austin Condiff 13 aastat tagasi 0
It would be nice to associate a certain extension with a certain syntax highlighting mode. For example, I'd like to associate .css.php files with the css mode.

Hide Sidebar Bug

Marek Kaczkowski 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja eproxus 12 aastat tagasi 1

View / Sidebar / Hide Sidebar

then alt-tab SublimeText to another app in Windows

go back to ST and boom Sidebar is visible again.

IMHO Sidebar should be hidden even after restart ST. The only option to show it again should be: View / Sidebar / Show Sidebar



Jérémie Blais 11 aastat tagasi 0
Please, make it a free (as in freedom) software and I will definitely use it and buy it.

Javascript RegEx highlighted incorrectly with square brackets

Eduardo Cereto Carvalho 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
An Example of a regex that is parsed incorrectly by the highlighter.


The text inside the brackets don't need to be escaped. But if you don't ST won't correctly highlight the regex. So it get's a little weird after the /] combination.

Per-project per-filetype settings

George Mauer 11 aastat tagasi 0

I have a project where the code standard is 2 spaces for indentation level for html/js files.

My other projects are sane.

Can it please be possible to overwrite the default settings *for a particular file type* in a sublime-project file?


Add a "Close All" command to tab menu

chaiguy 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael Irigoyen 12 aastat tagasi 3
I'd like to be able to just clear the window without having to "close others" and then close the leftover tab.

Provide a portable version for Linux

Dov Shmilovich 13 aastat tagasi 0

The ability to have tab scrolling stop at the first & last tabs.

Jonathan 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 0
Option to toggle tab switch looping when using scroll wheel or tab next/prev shortcuts.

Spellcheck PHP Doc

James Brooks 13 aastat tagasi 0
Image 5

This occurs when using PHP syntax, PHPDoc comments and then turning spellcheck on.

Don't add too many features. That's all I ask for.

Oliver Rühl 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja aristidesfl 12 aastat tagasi 1
I'm in love with your text editor and I'd even marry it.

But please do not let your product become bloatware like most other software out there. We need this editor for our peace of mind.

Group focus should maximize the view of the particular group.

Nikos E. 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Frank Duffner 12 aastat tagasi 1

The ctrl+{group number} should also maximize the area of the desired group in the workspace. And the Ctrl+0 should return the groups to their initial sizes or to a evenly distributed state.