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Ahhhh, do you see how that is different to your earlier posts?

What you are now saying is a more rational request.

But how many schemes do you want jps to individually test and confirm makes you happy?

How do the rest of us, let alone jps, know what you consider 'good enough'?

How about some words more like:

"I would like to make a feature enhancement suggestion. I suggest that the UI scheme be enhanced so when Monokai is the chosen colour scheme that the colour of the tabs be as in the example I have set out here. Do I have any support from other users for adding this as the tab colour when Monokai is the selected colour scheme? Does anyone else have a better suggestion for the tab colour for use with Monokai?"

Does that seem like some more constructive wording than "change the default!"?

BTW - If you vote down everyone who disagrees with you then you are going to find internet forums very cold and unwelcoming places. Beware of getting tagged as a troll.

So your choice of colour scheme means everyone else has to lose a UI setup they like so your preference can be accommodated?

Grow up, people.

If Monokai is such a problem use another scheme.

If you want to use that scheme and know how to fix the problems it causes then do that. It has been explained several times how to do it and Darren Dub has shown you how to do what he did to fix it (I assume that the explanations for the fix have been posted publicly and not just multiple posts of moaning and kevetching?)

It is **not** okay is to expect that defaults be changed to make you happy even if it makes other people unhappy.

ST2 is able to be customised to your exact preference with minimal effort. Make use of that power to make yourself happy and stop with the 'change it for everyone to make me happier'. That's not an adult way to deal with the question at hand.