Your comments

Oops! Mine was about 500MB as well. This folder is created by Package Control and apparently every time a package is changed, the old copy is moved here. Maybe there ought to be a setting to prune this directory by only keeping, say, backups newer than a month or so.

But it can safely be removed when it grows too large.

OK, support for the OS X find pasteboard was added in version 2182. It will be included in the next beta. Or available right now in the dev build.
SublimeText does that already.
Starting with wildcard arguments works fine for me. Sublime Text 2 v. 2193 on OS X.
Sure, that would be great. But Lion full screen does not work that way. To change it, Sublime Text would have to implement it's own full screen support, different from Apples.
Sublime Text 2 requires OS 10.6 or better (Snow Leopard).
The Function Name Display package does that already.
Yes it works great, but QuickCursor doesn't magically recognize Sublime Text. You have to add it yourself by clicking the plus button in the lower left of the Preferences dialog.
That's what View / Layout is for.