
single click behavior on file in "Side Bar"

Parrish 13 лет назад обновлен 秦韬 8 месяцев назад 10
When sigle-clicking on a file in the "Side Bar" the file opens for preview?  Unfortunately, the visual queues for this action are confusing... a file is viewed in the editor without a tab, yet the first edit to the file creates a new tab for the file.  It would be nice to have some other visual queue to accomplish this... i.e. a window that hovers over the edit window, with an edit button on it; gray out all tabs when previewing a file, with a click on a tab closing the preview and selecting the tab; or simply have a setting to allow a single click to do nothing.
Against, or at least should be configurable. I enjoy the "preview" mode immensely, and use it constantly — it is often useful to glance over a file without it polluting the tab bar, and if any change is needed the transition from "preview" to "editing" is very unobtrusive.
It would be great to be able to configure this as an option. The biggest problem I have with the single-click preview is that if you have multiple documents open in tabs, then go to right-click on a file in the Side Bar, the focused tab is lost so you have to then locate the document you were previously working on again. It's not a problem with only 2-3 files open, but when you're jumping between 7+ it's annoying to lose that tab focus constantly when you're just trying to copy a file name or directory structure.

Isn’t this controlled by this setting nowadays?

 // Preview file contents when clicking on a file in the side bar. Double

  // clicking or editing the preview will open the file and assign it a tab.

  "preview_on_click": true,


Would be nice if this existing setting could be used for it:

// Preview file contents when clicking on a file in the side bar. Double

  // clicking or editing the preview will open the file and assign it a tab.

  "preview_on_click": true

When set to false, it could enable the single-click-opens-the-file behavior.

"preview_on_click": false

just disables the preview, still have to double click to open the file to open it


Spent 4 hours trying to fix this stupid behavior on ST3 and finally got a plugin working...

import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import os

class NoPreview(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_load(self, view):
        if (os.path.exists(view.file_name())):

Save this file in the User Packages directory (~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/ on Linux). Keep the setting preview_on_click set to true: when a "previewed" file is saved, it becomes a "regular" file. That's all...
Note that it's necessary to check that the file actually exists, because some "files" loaded are not actual files (like default settings, for example).

Thank you Arcesilas, exactly what I was looking for!

Amazing that worked like a charm, but i didn't know that i had to save that file as NoPreview.py name in that directory.


Thanks a lot!!!!

Thank you for your solution.It works.And I try another command,it works too.

import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import os

class NoPreview(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_load(self, view):
        if (os.path.exists(view.file_name())):
            # view.run_command('save')


I am a new learner, can you tell me to save that code to ST3 package?

I tried but had error.

I am working on Windows 10.


Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho