Multiple Layouts in Same Project

Renan Cakirerk 8 year бұрын 0
When I use iTerm and Tmux, I open multiple iTerm tabs, and all of them have tmux with split screens, and each pane can contain a vim with multiple tabs. 

For example:

Tab 1 (or Layout group 1)              Tab 2 (or Layout group 2) 
 ====================                   ======================
|         |          |                 |           |          |
|  file1  |  file2   |                 |           |  file6   |
|_________|__________| CMD + CTRL + -> |           |__________|
| | | | file5 | | | file4 | file3 | CMD + CTRL + <- | | file7 | |_________|__________| |___________|__________| It massively boosts my productivity when I keep each context in it's own tab. For example database related files in tab1, route handlers in tab2, business logic in tab3, other stuff in tab4. (All for the same project). Note that I'm not talking about file tabs. These are layout groups. This is kinda like workspaces in MacOS where you can switch left, right to a different window.