firsts indent space different than tab_size

Sébastien Barbieri 12 jaar geleden 0

It could be nice to have the first(s) indent(s) spaces customizable.

To have the ability to indent the first tab with a first_tab_size and then indent everything with the tab_size.

The idea is to have something like this:

function myFunc(a,b) {
        diff = 0;
            diff = a - b;
//      |--> tabs of 4
//----->|    tabs of 8
            diff = b - a;
        return diff; 

Something even better could be to have a first_tabs_spaces: 8,6,4,2 to allow to decrease tabs size in deeper code.

                  function thisIsATest(A,B){
                    return A+B;
<!--  -|-----|----|-|
    8     6     4  2