Erlang syntax highlighting error (with potential fix!)
In Erlang, fun is not only a keyword for lambdas, but can also be used in -spec macro directives.
-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box, Pos :: integer(), AccStart :: X, Fun :: fun((Pos :: integer(), Acc::X) -> (Y)) ) -> [Y].
This breaks syntax highlighting afterwards though (because Sublime text thinks we're in an anonymous function that has never been ended).
(multiline or single line -spec doesn't matter).
It can be fixed by ignoring the fun keyword if it follows two colons in this case:
Erlang.tmLanguage, line 699
This is only a hack though, because the parameter spec could also be unnamed:
-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box, integer(), X, fun((integer(), X) -> (Y)) ) -> [Y].
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