Option to not wait when receiving input from stdin
From doing `subl --help` you can read that "--wait is implied if reading from stdin."
However I would like to pass text to Sublime Text via a pipe, without it having to wait.
There is currently no option to do so.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I second that motion.
Case in point:
On a Mac, I want to use Sublime Text 2 to display output captured from commands in a *new* window, e.g. `ls | subl -n -`. Combined with an alias, e.g., `alias vo='subl -n -'` ('vo' stands for View Output), this would make for a convenient way to capture anything from the command line; e.g., `ls | vo`.
Currently, this blocks, which is undesired. (Using `... | open -tf` (assuming that ST2 is the default text editor), comes close to what I want in that it doesn't block, but there is no way to open the captured output in a *new* window.)
Duplicate with http://sublimetext.userecho.com/topic/91234-piping-output-to-sublime-should-create-a-new-file-with-the-content/ and http://sublimetext.userecho.com/topic/87972-allow-editing-stdin-on-linux/ ?
Nope, not a duplicate of those.
My current workaround for this is to background the 'subl' command so that it immediately returns.