
Function search across entire project

Zachary Nawar fa 14 anys updated by Thamaraiselvam fa 9 anys 4
Im aware you can press CTRL+R and it opens a small window where you can type a function name or parts of a function name and it will take you to that function. However it seems to be limited only to the one file you have open. Having it work across every file of that format across the entire project/open folders would be very nice.
The ability to right click on a function name in a function call (for example), and go to that function wherever it's defined (perhaps in a different file) in the project would be extremely productive for me.
I recommend the excellent CTags plugin by Sublimator: https://github.com/SublimeText/CTags
I was unaware of that, but it does seem to do what I want!  It's a little fickle, as sometimes it won't go to a function, even though it's in the ctags file. Also, for Fortran, which is not case-sensitive, it won't find some functions because of inconsistent capitalization between a function call and a function definition (maybe there is an option somewhere that will fix this. I'm usually really careful to be consistent about capitalization, even though Fortran doesn't require it, but this certainly exposed some places where I wasn't).

Still, it may just be my inexperience that's making me overlook the obvious fixes for these problems, and I'll definitely start using it.  Thanks for pointing this out!

Use cntl+shift+r in windows