snippet to create a snippet
This is an idea straight from the top of my head, but the tools->New Snippet, to me, seems to defeat the purpose of the power of the snippet. Why not create a function that when you create a new snippet, you can tab through the new snippet like a regular one?
I threw this together as my first one (I'm new to sublime text, I'm still dealing with an escaping issue, but you get the just of my idea)
I threw this together as my first one (I'm new to sublime text, I'm still dealing with an escaping issue, but you get the just of my idea)
<![CDATA[${1:Enter your snippet here}]]${2:>}
<!-- Optional: Tab to trigger to activate the snippet -->
<tabTrigger>${3:Enter your trigger here}</tabTrigger>
<!-- Optional: Scope the tab trigger will be active in -->
<scope>${4:Enter Scope Here}</scope>
<!-- Optional: Description to show in menu -->
<description>${5:Enter your Snippet Description Here}</description>
<!-- Optional: Tab trigger to activate the snippet -->
<!-- Optional: Enter the scope the tag trigger will be active in -->
<!-- Optional: Description to show in the menu -->
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