
Bottom Bar: show more file Infos/modes, don't let messages displace those..

jeandeluxe il y a 13 ans 0
Currently (2181@OSX) ST2 has some weaknesses in what and how it shows infos in the bottom bar:

  1. Generally rather few infos of what might be interesting at a glance or direct access..
  2. Ad hoc messages displace the static infos ..

Coming from jEdit i'm used to some more usefull infos or mode toggles - which i find mostly valuable - plus the concise way jEdit presents those.. see this comparison screenshot ST2 vs. jEdit .. it shows:

  • Line, (ST2)
  • Column (ST2)
  • (Offset, (usefull)
  • Total) (usefull)
  • |Syntax (ST2)
  • |EditMode (no equivalent-> maybe use some ST2 info or mode )
  • |Encoding (ST2)
  • |WordWrap (very usefull, jEdit has 3 modes: normal,hard,soft)
  • |SelectionMode (no equivalent-> maybe use some ST2 info or mode ) 
  • |RectangularSelection (no equivalent-> maybe use some ST2 info or mode) 
  • |InsertMode (no equivalent-> maybe use some ST2 info or mode ) 
  • |LineSeparator|(usefull)
  • JavaHeap (irrelevant)

As u can see, jEdit stuffs a lot of usefull infos/modes in little space (has tooltips if in doubt) ..