
The clipboard can differ from the selected text [linux]

Matteo Bertini 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Johnny DvC 13 aastat tagasi 1

- select <foo():>
- move away
- middle click to paste

Actual Result
<foo()> <- quite random

Expected Result

Build 2046
Same for me. I don't now to what degree this community is
concerned with linux but this feature would be great in terms of
consistency and usability with gnome and linux in general.
I'm on Build 2058 (ST2 alpha) now and the behaviour is different from the example above:
- selecting
- pasting (middle click)
So only the first character is passed to the clipboard.
Please fix this little annoyance to make Sublime Text 2 even more OS independant.
Thanks for your great work