Web Browser Deployment

ehpotsirhc hace 2 años 0

It would be great if Sublime Text can be deployed over a web browser. Although not that well known (yet), VSCode can be deployed on a server and be accessed completely over a web browser, which will make it that much more flexible to use across any platform.

To give some context... I've switched from developing on Windows, to a Mac, to now ChromeOS with a lot of the dev applications deployed from a server and accessed over a web browser. It keeps the local system light and battery-friendly, while still getting the high-performance I need. A lot of this is driven by VSCode being able to be deployed on a web browser with complete access to the terminal. I can still run Sublime Text on Crostini, and I still love Sublime Text, but sadly VSCode beats Sublime Text on usage as it can be deployed on a server and used over a web browser.