Tus comentarios
In Preferences - User:
"highlight_line": true,
Then in your .tmTheme/.stTheme color theme file:
STProjectMaker – A Sublime Text 2 plug-in to allow creating any kind of project from your own custom templates.
Seems like this is something you should do with a plugin. Not tested but this might get you started:
{ "keys": [";"], "command": "commit_completion_custom", "context":
[ { "key": "auto_complete_visible" } ]
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class CommitCompletionCustomCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
self.view.run_command("insert_snippet", { "contents": ";" } )
Strongly agreed. Currently there is a "Save As Encoding" submenu in the File menu. But this suffers from the following problems:
1) What if you want to save the current file with different encoding with a different filename? Then you have to do two separate operations of: a) Save As to save as a new filename, b) "Save As Encoding"
2) You can't see the current encoding type of the file. There is no checkbox in the "Save As Encoding" list. With "Save As" you can easily see the current type via the current selection in the "Encoding" dropdown box.
This could very easily be implemented through the existing API of COMDLG32 (Windows Open Save Common Dialog Box).
This is included in Sublime Text 3 beta:
{ "caption": "UTF-8 with BOM", "command": "save", "args": {"encoding": "utf-8 with bom" } },
Servicio de atención al cliente por UserEcho
I would like to recommend adding showing the CR and LF line-ending characters as well with draw_white_space. Or add a new setting for draw_white_space_lineendings.
Although you can choose your line-endings type you want in the Menu - it is nice to be able to see it quickly visually - or to see if a file may be using mixed line-ending types.