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Thanks for the report btw, I hadn't realised the issue was there previously.
This is intentional, to ensure that when the user settings are programatically updated, there's only a single file that needs to be considered.

To get the same effect, you can make another package, perhaps named 'ZUser' (so that it still overrides settings in other packages when considered lexicographically), and place platform specific settings in there.

For more information, see http://sublimetext.info/docs/en/customization/settings.html
Another option that may suit you is using "Find All", then pressing ctrl+l (command+l on OS X) to expand the selections to the entire line, and then copy the selected text, and paste it into a new file: you'll then have a file containing all the lines which match your original search term.
The matching algorithm already places an implicit wildcard between each character you type: typing ".template." would match against the indicated results
I made a project with the two files mentioned (with the same directory structure as given in the description), and typed "foobar" in the Goto Anything dialog. FooBar.txt was the first result, and Bar.txt was the second result, as it should be.

If you can give me a full example, I can look into this, otherwise it seems everything is working as it should.
libgio-cli is the mono binding for libgio, and libgio-fam is a fam module - both are separate things entirely from libgio itself, which is part of glib

Can you verify that the file /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so exists, and that it exports the symbol "g_bus_own_name" (you can check via nm -D /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so | grep g_bus_own_name)
As a work around, you can clear the list of recent files (File/Open Recent/Clear Items) to remove these entries
You can use Ctrl+Space to complete using words from the current file

Kundesupport af UserEcho