Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Smarter commenting, like Komodo.

openid-1 13 years ago updated by Jon Skinner 13 years ago 0
There are a couple things that bother me about commenting code in Sublimetext.
1) It doesn't handle embedded languages at all. E.g. trying to comment JavaScript inside HTML just results in it using <!-- -->
2) It doesn't handle using /* */ in languages like C++, JavaScript, etc... which would allow me to comment out whatever I have selected.
Jon Skinner 13 years ago
Sublime Text 2 does both of these things. If they aren't working for you, you may want to consider reverting to a freshly installed state:

Capitol Medical Group: Vores professionelle personale

shearinrealtync 10 years ago 0

Dan Finkelstein, MD, FAAP
Medical School: Hahnemann University School of Medicine, Philadelphia PA
Residency: Albert Einstein College of Medicine / Children 's Hospital på Montefiore, Bronx NY Certificeringer: Board certificeret i Pediatrics
Særlige Resultater Et: Chief Resident på Børnehospital på Montefiore, 2003-2004 Opført i Bethesda Magazine og Washingtonian s Washingtons Top Læger
Kliniske Interesser: Nyder omsorgen for børn fra fødslen til unge voksenliv med særlig interesse i forælder og patientuddannelse
Personlige noter: Dr. Finkelstein voksede op i Bethesda MD. Han bor i øjeblikket i Chevy Chase med sin kone, Ellen og deres to børn.

Sheanita Howard, MD, FAAP
Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington DC
Residency: Pediatrics: Saint Louis University / Cardinal Glennon Børns Medical Center
Certificeringer: Tavle Kvalificerede i Pediatrics
Særlige Resultater Et: Cum Laude uddannet fra University of Memphis (BS Biologi og BA Sociologi), deltog i AAP Department of Federal Affairs Child Advocacy Praktik.
Kliniske Interesser: Nyder omsorgen for alle børn fra fødsel til unge voksenliv, med interesse i forebyggende medicin og pædiatrisk fortalervirksomhed.
Personlige noter: Dr. Howard voksede op i Tennessee og i øjeblikket bor i Washington, DC

Nancy R Kadowitz, MD, FAAP
Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans LA
Residency: Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC

Board certificeret i Pediatrics
Særlige Resultater Et: praktiseres på Foxhall Pediatrics 2001-2003 Opført i Washingtonian s Washingtons Top Læger
Kliniske Interesser: General Pediatrics og Adolescent Medicine med særlige interesser i pædiatriske astma og allergi, og rådgivning af nye forældre.

Ana Markovic, MD, FAAP
Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
Residency: Boston Children Hospital, Boston, MA
Certificeringer: Board certificeret i Pediatrics
Særlige Resultater Et: Cum Laude uddannet fra Harvard University (BS Biokemi)
Woodruff Scholar på Emory University School of Medicine
Tidligere partner hos Milton Pediatrics (Boston, MA)
Tidligere praktiseres på pædiatrisk pleje af Rockville (Rockville, MD)
Kliniske Interesser: Nyder omsorgen for børn fra fødslen gennem unge voksne med særlig interesse i spædbarn udvikling, amning fortalervirksomhed, og forældre / patient uddannelse, og arbejder med tosprogede familier.
Personlige noter: Dr. Markovic voksede op i Atlanta. Hun taler flydende serbisk og nyder rejser og havearbejde. Hun bor i Bethesda, Maryland, med sin mand og tre børn.
fortsætte med at læse ....

all opened files should always have a tab

Vincent Côté-Roy 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
currently you need to double-click a file on the sidebar, or open it via the file open dialog, in order for it to have its own tab. 

if you just single-click on a file, you see it in the editor, you can edit it, but it doesn't have a tab. This is confusing because you don't know for sure which file is opened, especially If you have similar files.

vintage mode not properly escaping partially-typed commands

Chad Ostrowski 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 0
If I start to "change 'til" by typing `ct` and then say "Oops! I meant `2ct`", and thus hit Escape, it seems that Sublime Text 2 only escapes the `t`, so when I hit `c` again for my second attempt, my command is interpreted as `cc`. The line disappears! What happened! It's very disorienting.

Double-clicking a file in project opens it and then focuses on the next file in list

ZachDowd 13 years ago updated by Oktay Acikalin 13 years ago 3
I've noticed since 2041 when you double-click a file to open it, the tabs opens but then a preview of the file above it opens (because the new file is added to the group in the sidebar and all items are moved down by 1)

Not all the time, but the majority of.

Mouse buttons can't be captured by external applications (SmartScroll + Wacom Tablet)

Artem Matevosyan 11 years ago 0

I use Sublime on Mac in junction with Wacom tablet and SmartScroll app. I use middle "mouse button" on the pen to grab and scroll. Though the mouse buttons are now customizeable, it is impossible to capture mouse events from outside Sublime. I have seen a lot of frustrated discussions about this on the internet.


Goto anything action cannot be cancelled with esc

dragoon 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
Windows 7 64bit
Sublime Text 2 version 20110203

0. Have a file open
1. Press Ctrl+P
2. type something (until editor focuses some other file)
3. Press esc to return to the first file

Expected outcome:
- Editor focuses the first file

Actual outcome:
- Pressing esc has no effect and mouse needs to be used to return to the first file

Is it possible to adjust the content to the windows size, making horizontal scrollbar disappear?

Maxime Laforet 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 2
For example, in editors such as Coda or Espresso, the content adjusts itself depending on the size of the window, so that there isn't an horizontal scrollbar. Especially useful when you need to resize the window you're working in.

Show open files in sidebar

Winston Chang 12 years ago updated 12 years ago 1
I tend to keep a lot of files open at once (often 10 or more), and this makes it difficult to read the filenames in the tabs. 

It would be nice to be able to show the open files in the sidebar, or at least have some way of listing them vertically (as opposed to horizontally) so that the filenames don't have to be truncated.

If they are in the sidebar, there will have to be a way to separate them from the folder view, of course. Maybe the open file list could go above the folder view?

Ability to add a custom Toolbar, eg. for ColdFusion Shortcuts

Gene Aiello 11 years ago in Plugin announcements 0

It would be nice to add a custom Toolbar, eg. for ColdFusion Shortcuts, that I could click on, like Dreamweaver has