
My Mac is an OS X, why can't it be used?

Rachael Swift vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Sven Axelsson vor 12 Jahren 3
I downloaded the Mac version to my computer and it's saying it can't be used... Do I need to update my computer? What's going on that I can change to make this work?

Would like an easy way to switch the local configuration (Packages and Settings) directory.

Ulf Byskov vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
There are so many shortcuts and plugins (and their shortcuts) that it is sometimes too much (thinking about potential conflicts between plugin functionality and shortcuts). If I could have sets of functionality and be able to switch between them (like Emacs modes or Firefox profiles) it would simplify things a lot.

Basically this would just require that you restart ST2 and use a different local directory to look for configuration and plugins.

Distraction free: fade code by distance from cursor code level

Morten Henriksen vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Pjarr W. Chokladtomte vor 11 Jahren 1

Could be nice if code inside "active" brackets/tags are more visible than "parent" code - since coding is fokused at cursor level and since we typically code deeper the further we code - the "parent" level code gets distracting. Maybe fade more the bigger distance upwards?

Dont know if it makes sens, bit hard to explain, kind of code level fade.

Reg. RaiX


Background color in draw_centered mode

Deepankar Sharma vor 12 Jahren 0
I would like to be able to provide a different background color to the part of the display displaying file contents in draw_centered mode vs the rest of the window that is empty. A use case for this would be coding within 80 columns where you have subtle visual feedback about the extents of the screen display vs the rest of the screen.


Great global climate change shame

Willianlau vor 11 Jahren 0


Like many who took part in this year's UN climate talks, I leave Warsaw tired. Not as tired as those that spent two weeks talking, drafting, wrangling, redrafting and horse-trading, followed by an almost 40-hour marathon final session. But I do feel tired. I'm tired by the fact that all of that effort, energy and, in the main, goodwill has again resulted in so little progress. 

Where does it go wrong? Nobody can now dispute that climate change is a threat to human society, to the planet as a whole. Nobody can genuinely be confused about what we need to do to reduce this threat. But still inaction seems to be an option, for some the preferred option.

Should we blame those tired negotiators and their governments? Did they draw too many red lines? Did they turn the negotiations into hopeless rhetorical tangles? Can we blame them for putting the interests of their citizens ahead of citizens from other countries or continents? Can we blame them for looking towards re-election? For remembering who put them in office? For reflecting on who donated the most to their campaign coffers?

Or should we blame the UN process? Are there too many voices at the table? Too much semantic hair-splitting, procedural squabbling and high-level posturing? Too much politics? Too many egos? Too much pride?

More info:





War on the environment a distraction from climate change policy

tyki road vor 11 Jahren 0
After almost six months in office, it seems that the Abbott government’s reputation for action on climate change and the environment in general is in tatters. Overseas, condemnation has been directed at a government now labelled as the ‘most hostile to its nation’s environment in history’. And that assessment is made with scant attention to what the Coalition government is doing on climate change, where it has pulled out all the stops to bring climate change policy to heel before the interests of big coal and big mining.

On the environment, the Abbott government has departed from the Howard years of striking a balance with conservation values and listening to the concerns constituents have for the environment.

Balancing economic growth with sustainability had been at the forefront of legislative and regulatory protection, including the Howard government’s Environment Protection and Bio-diversity Conservation Act (1999). But the scrapping of the Environment Defenders Office (EDO) is symbolic of the distinctive shift we are seeing with this government.

The EDO has played a crucial role in providing free legal advice to communities that wish to question and challenge decisions, such as coal seam gas drilling or dredging of the Great Barrier Reef. But in the context of a government that is driven to extract ‘every molecule’ of gas and every last seam of coal from the driest country on earth, it has deemed that opposition to mining is not to be tolerated.

The really bad news for climate change mitigation policy is that the Abbott government’s open season on the environment will distract Australian’s from climate policy settings, which is the one area to which all environmental issues will one day be subordinated. It is not to say that ‘environmental politics’ as we have known it in the past, which is focused on protecting or ‘saving’ particular sites, be it the Franklin, Jabiluka or the Leard State Forest, are unimportant, it is that such politics is about to be dwarfed by something far less tangible, but unimaginably more powerful.

The Abbott government has not only withdrawn the respect that was accorded to the environmental public sphere by previous Labor and LNP governments, it has also ramped up the assault on climate change mitigation to a level that could only be described as pure and total war. Sure, the Howard government refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, but concession to public opinion with initiatives like the Renewable Energy Target were important. By contrast, this government appears to be on a pre-meditated crusade to dismantle every policy and initiative that is remotely related to addressing climate change.

Australia is the only nation currently demolishing a working carbon price, which has, in its very short life so far, already mitigated 40 megatonnes of C02.

The administrative and advisory infrastructure put in place to tackle climate change has been all but eradicated. To rehearse the measures:

  • I.Abolishing the Climate Commission
  • II.Axing of COAG’s Environment Ministers Forum after 41 years.
  • III.Scrapping the Biodiversity Fund, Clean Energy Finance Corporation and Environmental Defenders Offices
  • IV.Foreshadowing the abolition of the climate change Authority in July
  • V.Cutting funding to the: Caring for our Country Program, Low Carbon Communities Program, and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.

Perhaps the decision invoking the most contempt relates to the Clean Energy Fund. Originally, the Abbott government had claimed that abolishing Clean Energy Finance Corporation will cost the budget A$439 million. However, it now transpires that investing in renewable energies is highly profitable, and the taxpayer is actually going to lose $760 million instead. The contradictions here don’t stand up to even rudimentary analysis. On the one hand the Abbott government dogmatically claims that these cuts are economically driven, but this is patently false when it comes to the CEFC. But perhaps the worst recent decision is the mischievous way the Galilee Basin Coal mining and Abbot Point dredging decisions were made.

With Abbot Point, a dose of the finest ‘greenwash’ environmental values are being administered by the Department of the Environment to justify dredging a reef of three million cubic metres of mostly clay particles that that take so long to sink to the sea floor as to be certain to drift over protected zones of the Great Barrier Reef.

It remains to be seen whether the ‘most stringent’ protections will be at all effective given that the first environmental study on Abbot Point emphatically recommended that the dredging spoil be moved onto land. But the window-dressing of the dredging issue, as serious as it is , pales compared to the amount of coal (3.5 billion tonnes) that is to be exported through Abbot Point from Clive Palmer’s ‘China First’ mine in the Galilee Basin. That such a huge venture could be approved (as it was under the cover of the dying down of the news cycle five days before Christmas last year) is utter madness. The approval of this mine is the single most devastating anti-mitigation decision that this government has so far taken on climate change. The embedded emissions in the 3.5 billion tonnes of China First are equivalent to the total emissions that Australia will produce between now and 2020.

It makes the idea that the government’s “direct action” plan is supposed to reduce Australia’s emissions to 5% of 2000 levels by 2020 (which itself if looking like an interstellar long shot) into a cynical joke.

Of course, it is not just simply the jewel in an over-driven ideological campaign to enrage the climate crisis lobby. Rather, it is politically driven by the pragmatics of what is in store for Australia should the government have the expected Senate majority come July 1. At that point, Abbott will be sure to call in the debt that Palmer owes him over the Galilee Basin, and a flood of legislation is likely to be introduced to annihilate every last bollard of climate change mitigation infrastructure and policy. So narrowly driven is this government that believes climate change to be a socialist plot dressed up as environmentalism.

And this is 2014. Even Margaret Thatcher, who in the late 1980s expressed similar sentiments toward environmental social movements, was rolling out policies to tackle climate change. Thatcher was, after all, trained as a scientist and her ultra-conservative government nevertheless did listen to scientists. Thatcher was committed to protecting her constituents from the coming crisis. But not Abbott. The radical conservatism of the Coalition seems to be drawn from the same platform as the Institute for Public Affairs (IPA), which has entreated Abbott to ‘Be Like Gough’.

In a document posted on its website, the IPA declares open season on just about every publicly interested authority and organisation in Australia for which climate change ranks at the very top. Of 75 recommendations, climate change figures in four of the first six. These include:

  • 1.Repeal the carbon tax, and don’t replace it.
  • 2.Abolish the Department of Climate Change
  • 3.Abolish the Clean Energy Fund
  • 4.Repeal the renewable energy target

With recent talk that Abbott is about to appoint IPA ‘anti-renewable zealot’ Alan Moran to a new independent panel to review the Renewable Energy Target, it looks likely that all four of these recommendations will be ticked off nicely.

Nowhere on the planet is there a region that is going to feel the effects of climate change on its population than Australia, with heat-stressed soils, heatwaves, firestorms, flooding and cyclones. And yet, we have a government doing its level best to maximise measures that will only exacerbate global warming.

Segfault when trying to search for files 2020

Felix Yuan vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren 4
Ran Sublime for the first time. Mounted a folder as part of a project. Tried to start searching for a file. This is the below output:

main.cc:403 value_loaded loading bindings
theme.cc:188 texture_loaded theme loaded
main.cc:198 callback_finished app ready
snippet_manager.cpp:104 attachSnippets loaded 918 snippets
io_requests.cc:343 run scanning /home/fyuan/xdev4/bt
io_requests.cc:348 run scanned /home/fyuan/xdev4/bt
file_buffer_source.cpp:270 cancelRead Unable to wait for read thread to exit
Segmentation fault

Co-worker was using build 2011.02.03 which worked. He upgraded and it no longer works.
Jon Skinner vor 14 Jahren
Fixed in build 2023


Shrikant Khandare vor 12 Jahren in Plugin announcements aktualisiert von jan otte vor 12 Jahren 1

can you add some plugin for converting slim code to html code just like textmate for linux 


search results does not points to correct position in file after adding or removing lines from that file

Vasyl' Vavrychuk vor 13 Jahren 0

1. Press Ctrl+Shift+F to search in all projects for some string.
2. Suppose that more that two entries has been found in the first file.
3. Press F4 to go to the first found entries.
4. Press Enter several times to add new lines.
5. Press F4 to go to the second found entry.
Problem: observe that we had moved to wrong position do to file modification.


Linux: When creating dialogs, the windows borders of all system dissapears

Armando Pérez vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 1

When ST2 shows the open file dialog, and then I close it, the windows borders of the system are lost (the window decorator crashed); but everything's OK if no dialog is shown (luckly there are many in ST2). Even worse, when opening the about box, the entire X server crashs and subsequently, all graphical programs also end. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.3 and ST2 rev 2111. If I must attach some other system information, just ask what to look for.


Add plist to filetypes list in XML.tmLanguage

Jesse Endahl vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Arjen van Bochoven vor 11 Jahren 1

OS X Plist files are just XML. All that is needed is to add plist to the filetypes list in XML.tmLanguage and syntax highlighting will be applied automatically.


Bug: Choosing syntax colouring in submenu doesn't work with hover

Andrey Polyakov vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 1
To change the syntax colouring (or coloring if you swing that way) to a language in a submenu you must click the submenu title. If you simply hover over the submenu title to open the submenu, the selection is not applied.

For example:
Works: Current Language Syntax (Click) -> Python Submenu Title(Click) -> Python (Click)
Broken: Current Language Syntax (Click) -> Python Submenu Title (Hover) -> Python (Click)

Running Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity (<- that could be the problem there). Confirmed on two machines.

Continuous movement during key-press in Vintage Mode

Jamey DeOrio vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 0
In vim and vim-likes, holding j, k, l, ;, or any other movement key will result in continuous movement (like holding arrow keys in other software), but this isn't so in Sublime Text 2. Is it possible to toggle this? If not, are there plans to include this in updates?
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
Please read the OS X Lion section at http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/vintage.html

I'd like to be able to configure the behavior (e.g. timeout, number of saves, whatever) of the password prompt for saving documents that require superuser privileges.

David Stults vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 2
The ability to save files which require superuser privileges is a great option, but for the work I do, I save fairly often, and as a result I get prompted for my password every couple of minutes.  My password is complicated, so this is irritating, and since my workstation is quite secure I'd like the option to loosen the re-prompt frequency.

Unicode copy and paste with 4-byte utf-8 codepoint broken in Vintage Mode

Alexander Surma vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
Here's an example file: http://pastebin.com/1V2rPTWG
  • Copy'n'Paste the first line with Cmd+C/Cmd+V => All is good
  • Copy'n'Paste the first line with yy/p (Vintage Mode), result is the second line
The last line contains a 2-byte utf-8 codepoint. Works fine both ways

Overlays in the Emacs sense

Hugo Schmitt vor 11 Jahren 0

Overlays alter the appearance of a buffer's text on the screen, for the sake of presentation features. An overlay  has a specified beginning and end. It also has properties that you can examine and set; these affect the display of the text within the overlay.



Welcome - Westhill House HighGate Consulting Rooms

Ava Watson vor 11 Jahren in Plugin announcements 0
The consulting rooms are located in West Hill House, a quiet building in Swain's Lane, set back from the road. Swain's Lane is one of Highgate's most charming streets. It is within 50 metres of Hampstead Heath and with easy access to bus, train and underground. Local restaurants and cafés add to the friendly, village atmosphere.
  • Full-time receptionist and support staff
  • Purpose-built for individual and group psychotherapy
  • Architect-designed and elegantly furnished
  • All lighting and heating supplied from renewable sources
  • Soundproofed
  • Fully ventilated
  • Entryphones to all rooms
  • Waiting areas
  • Rent by hour or session
  • Daytime, evenings and weekends, 7 days a week
  • Broadband free of charge


code folding selection bug

John Porter vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
When folding code anywhere in a file, when clicking to place the marker anywhere in toe code, the bottom up to the marker is selected. This behaviour is unavoidable until the code is unfolded.

colorful, indented clipboard

Sinan vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von eproxus vor 12 Jahren 1
It would be good to add an option to right click menu for saving a piece of code to clipboad with colorful and indented without background color with key combination Command + CX

Several users working on the same document simultaneously.

Allow to edit text documents and source files collaboratively over a network simultaneously.