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According to my Windows .sublime-keymap file (and testing), Ctrl+K,Ctrl+0 does indeed unfold all:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+0"], "command": "unfold_all" },

{ "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+j"], "command": "unfold_all" },

I guess the Ctrl+J shortcut is the one that is shown in the dropdown menu because it's the last one in the file. I'm not sure why the Ctrl+J version is even in there.

I really like this idea so I created a separate UserEcho entry for it.
I agree this would be useful to have. 

This is actually a typical limitation of most regex implementations, because basic regex substitution really only works with the text chunks and has no built-in facility for doing computations against the text chunks. Arguably this is the right behavior for the regex standard, as it would otherwise have to embed a full-fledged programming language in the replacement syntax to account for any desired transforms.

Most modern programming languages -- like Python, which ST2 is written in -- will indeed allow you to apply custom functions to captured match-groups.

So, a more comprehensive solution might be to let us embed simple Python expressions in the ST2 "replace with" box that would let us perform computations as desired. For example, a syntax looking something like this might do the trick:

Search regex: (\d+)

Replace with: ${int($1) + 1}

In this example ST2 would recognize a special pattern of

and implicitly give $n the value of the corresponding capture group within the function.

This approach could open up some very interesting possibilities for doing regex replacement...


${max($1, $2)}


I agree this should be changed. This ambiguity is a classic UI-design problem.

The usual suggested solution involves adding another indicator of which item is currently selected, such as applying an extra border around the selected item, or drawing some kind of pointer next to the currently selected item. I think either approach would work pretty well here.
The "word_separators" setting seems to control this behavior. Unfortunately, removing the periods from this setting as follows:

    "word_separators": "/\\()\"'-:,;<>~!@#$%^&*|+=[]{}`~?",

... just seems to skip to the end of "www.google.com" with ctrl+right. Very probably not what you are after.
I think you can get what you want by using a line like this in your .sublime-keymap file:

{ "keys": ["escape", "g"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": ":"}},

This makes "escape, g" perform "goto line". I just copied the command & args portion from the existing "ctrl+g" entry in the default .sublime-keymap file. 

As far as I can tell this does not interfere with ST2's other uses of the Escape key.

You might like the BracketHighlighter plugin, which gives a great deal of control over bracket highlighting with a number of presentation styles and the ability to choose what color scheme scopes to use for colorization.

For a high contrast theme, explore some of the existing color schemes in Preferences->Color Schemes, such as 'Eiffel'.

For the cursor, the closest built-in option available seems to be setting this in your Preferences.sublime-settings:

"caret_style": "smooth",
"wide_caret": true,

Also you might want to check out the SublimeBlockCursor plugin, which tries to mimic a "real" block cursor.

While this is a pretty good idea, I think it is mistaken to believe it would be "sooo easy" to implement. Particularly your second request. It should be doable, but there are a lot of issues to think about with respect to properly embedding a browser component/view inside ST2 itself.

I imagine it will come in time, but have patience :)
I'm guessing this probably won't be seen within ST2 for quite some time, as ST2 currently has no in-app browser window support.

However I would think this behavior could be mimicked with an ST2 plugin. Basically, when you run a certain plugin-command, the plugin would open a local HTML file in the system web browser which contains Javascript that handles the "browser side" live-updating of your ST2 buffer. On the ST2 side, the plugin would then write the contents of your current buffer out to a temp file whenever you stop typing (after a brief delay). The browser-side JS would check for modifications to this temp file every second, and whenever a change is detected, update the displayed page using DHTML insertion.