
JMA Group Boiler Room Reconstruction - BUSINESS ACTIVITIES

jakefury 11 years ago 0

This company focuses on non-production activities, especially real estate business, real estate management and maintenance, as well as accounting, tax registry, and accounting consultancy.


Construction division focuses on new construction, reconstruction and conversions of existing civil structures as a general contractor, and occasionally executing component construction processes for major contractors. The character of the civil engineering buildings executed is not limited. We execute housing and civil constructions as well as industrial or agriculture. References on construction division here

Our staff will execute all manner of construction work designed using conventional technologies as well novel and innovative systems. We can execute any kind of construction work, from concreting to bar setting, concrete casing, brick laying, installations, carpenting, floor and wall tiling, plasterboard jobs, heat insulation systems, to inner and outer plaster casting of various degrees of complexity and design technologies.

Complex processing of grants in the Panel and Zelená úsporám programme
JMA stavební company is able to do full service of the Panel and Zelená úsporám grant disposal. JMA stavební company is entered in the List of special suplieres in the Zelená úsporám programme.


Division of silos construction
JMA stavební company uses the technology which is based on the boiler construction (silo, hall or other product) by contiguous metal strap winding along the spiral and clever coupling of an edge overlaped strap. It is possible to build just objects with circular groundplan by this technology. However with unique characteristics which overpower the other technologies. With this product system are made thin-walled cylinder covers by big diameters (3,5 till 40 m).
You can see more about the technology here.
Silos and boilers you can see here.

Biogas stations
JMA stavební company offeres construction of biogas stations with own building-technological conception - more information here.

This specialised company focuses on electrical installations in buildings. The high professional level and experience of its specialised teams allow full concentration on client requirements resulting in the maximum quality of work completed.

Electrical division scope of business
Regular heavy-current distribution networks, PUK-WERKE cable systems, Weidmuller, Ackermann, Betermann in-floor system delivery and installation, JJ International and Canalis branch bar systems, DAHL systems. In addition, telephonic networks, telephone exchange installations, electronic fire protection systems (Cetler, Lites), electronic security systems (Galaxy…), common TV aerial networks, including cable television networks and camera systems, card-operated systems, sound systems, MaR – all in co-operation with world-class dealerships: Siemens, Panasonic, Gold Star, Philips, Johnson Controls, Sony, and others.
References on electrical division here.


Rezidence Boží hora, s.r.o. - development of a block of flats and family houses in Ivančice u Brna. Flats and houses are in sale. More information you can find here.