
Welcome - Westhill House HighGate Consulting Rooms

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The consulting rooms are located in West Hill House, a quiet building in Swain's Lane, set back from the road. Swain's Lane is one of Highgate's most charming streets. It is within 50 metres of Hampstead Heath and with easy access to bus, train and underground. Local restaurants and cafés add to the friendly, village atmosphere.
  • Full-time receptionist and support staff
  • Purpose-built for individual and group psychotherapy
  • Architect-designed and elegantly furnished
  • All lighting and heating supplied from renewable sources
  • Soundproofed
  • Fully ventilated
  • Entryphones to all rooms
  • Waiting areas
  • Rent by hour or session
  • Daytime, evenings and weekends, 7 days a week
  • Broadband free of charge