Tagasi lükatud

Multiple selectors for build systems

Stephen Augenstein 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Jon Skinner 13 aastat tagasi 0

In a Flex project, code is scattered across MXML files (text.xml.mxml) and AS3 files (source.actionscript.3). Currently I have to create two duplicate build systems with different selectors to be able to build the entire project when I have either of those two types of files open. It would be really nice if there was a "selectors" key that took an array of syntax types.


Tagasi lükatud
You can match multiple scopes with a single selector by using a comma, for example:

"source.python, source.java"
Tagasi lükatud
You can match multiple scopes with a single selector by using a comma, for example:

"source.python, source.java"