
OCCATIONAL BOOKINGS: Westhill Consulting Rooms

Michele Rouze 11 years ago 0
Occasional bookings:
£14.50 an hour
Regular bookings:
weekly hours:
1-4 £13.70 an hour
5-9 £12.95 an hour
10-14 £12.20 an hour
15-19 £11.45 an hour
20-24 £10.70 an hour
25 and more £ 9.95 an hour

£20.00 an hour
£120.00 a day

All prices include VAT

Welcome: Westhill House HighGate Consulting Rooms
The consulting rooms are located in West Hill House, a quiet building in Swain's Lane, set back from the road. Swain's Lane is one of Highgate's most charming streets. It is within 50 metres of Hampstead Heath and with easy access to bus, train and underground. Local restaurants and cafés add to the friendly, village atmosphere.