
Restore window dimensions and position on start

Vadim Peretokin 13 лет назад обновлен Victor Costa 3 года назад 8
It'd be nice to have the window dimensions and size restored to what they were upon close when SB2 is started, so you don't have to move and resize it as it was previously.


This was added in build 2046
For what it's worth, Linux is the only platform where this doesn't happen yet
Yes I can confirm Linux issue as well, doesn't seem to happen on Windows, one other user reported it was a problem on OSX, but hasn't responded to his version yet.
I think this is not a issue, it's the lack of the feature. As far as I know Gnome/Linux puts the windows position and size management in the hands of the developer.

I hope Jon will add this feature for the beta or final version, meanwhile a can live without it.
Window position&size is also lost after restart on MacOS. A nice-to-have feature.
This was added in build 2046
Dupe of http://sublimetext.userecho.com/topic/96693-preserve-window-placement-osx/

In OS X, the window positions on a single Desktop (Space) are remembered but if windows are open on different Desktops the positions are not remembered (they all reopen on the same desktop).

It would be great to have them reopren on their previous Desktops


I addressed this issue by following these three simple steps

1. Put this on the `Preferences.sublime-preferences`


"remember_full_screen": true


2. Open the sublime

3. Resize **MANUALLY** the sublime window to the size you want (maximum height and width)

After I followed this steps, now everytime I open the sublime (even with `subl`), the sublime opens on the last window that I **MANUALLY** resized it.

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