
Peter K 12 year бұрын 0


Make All features optional!!! :D

Joe DF 11 year бұрын 0

For example, some don't like autocomplete tips, tabs in titlebar, and others do..
But if its optional, anybody can choose what they want! :D
It would satisfy everybody! Adding profiles, saving these optionss. :)
This will be very interesting!


contextual API help

Martin Mitáš 12 year бұрын updated by Chris Broumley 11 year бұрын 1

Most API documentation today is available on the net. It would be cool to support web search for this. For example consider this use case:

Step 1) In some config file, user can define new seach pattern, e.g. "https://www.google.com/webhp?q=site%3Amsdn.microsoft.com+@SelectedText@" and assign it some hot-key (e.g. <alt>+<f1>)

Step 2) Select some text in a source code (e.g. CreateWindow)

Step 3) Activate the search by hot key.

Step 4) SublimeText would open a browser with the URL defined by the pattern and the currently selected text.


Why the password prompt every X minutes?

Pouledodue 11 year бұрын 0

Sometimes the password prompt pop and I enter the admin password.

It it ok.

The problem is it seems the prompt pop every 5 minutes. Why?


Header Searching

Kris Rye 12 year бұрын updated by Fredrik Ehnbom 12 year бұрын 1
Search the header files which are included (specifically C and C++) for the keyword which is partially typed, akin to the feature which is already added which displays only those which have already been typed, but only broadening the search scope to the headers which were included.

10 tips to make sure Obamacare works for you

chloe conway 10 year бұрын 0

What do members need to know about these plans that they probably don't?

1. Carry your membership card everywhere.
Make copies. It'll save huge amounts of hassle if you have an unexpected doctor or hospital visit.

2. Understand your plan's doctor and hospital network.
Insurance companies negotiate participation and payment rates with a network of providers to control costs.

"A lot of these exchange plans, in order to stay affordable, have much smaller networks than people are used to," saysNancy Metcalf, a senior editor for Consumer Reports. For many new members, "just because their friend has a plan and can go to a particular hospital doesn't mean that they necessarily can."
You can check a plan's directory - either online or often part of the documents you receive when you enroll - to find out if specific physicians are part of your network. You can call doctors' offices to confirm, too.

3. Stay in the network.
The health law says that, once you join a qualified plan, you won't pay more out of pocket per year than $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family. But this applies only to in-network care. Whether you're in an HMO that pays almost no out-of-network benefits or a PPO that covers some, the pocketbook protections don't apply if you use a non-network doc or hospital.
Non-network providers also frequently bill you far more than what they charge patients in their networks for the same procedure.

4. Try to stay in-network even if it's for emergency care.
Insurance plans do have to pay for non-network emergency visits under the health law. If you're in a car crash far from home, you can't be picky about which hospital saves your life.
But non-network hospitals often "balance-bill" the difference between what your plan pays and what they charge, which is often much more.

5. Avoid all emergency rooms unless it's really an emergency.
Traditionally, health plans came with a modest copayment for an emergency visit - maybe $150.
But many policies sold under the health law, even those in the more expensive "gold" category, not only have ER copays of several hundred dollars but also subject ER charges to the overall deductible. (Copays are flat fees for specific services. Deductibles are what you pay out of pocket before the insurance kicks in.)
That means you could be billed for the full cost of an emergency visit - up to the out-of-pocket limit.
"This is a huge difference and will really hurt the unsuspecting person," says John Jaggi, an Illinois insurance broker. "We're putting a lot more people into that exposure here."
Broken leg? Head to the hospital. Sprained ankle? Maybe wait until the urgent care center or doctor's office opens.

6. Pay monthly premiums on time and accurately.
"Do not mess around. Pay your premium," admonishes Karen Pollitz, a consumer specialist at theKaiser Family Foundation. (KHN is an editorially independent project of the foundation.) "Otherwise that will be the end of you and you won't get to sign up again until the next open season."
(Open enrollment for 2014 coverage ends March 31. Open enrollment for 2015 begins Nov. 15.)
Even underpaying the premium by a few cents could give the insurance company grounds to kick you off, she said. Insurers allow a brief grace period if you get behind - somewhat longer if you're receiving premium subsidies - but they will terminate coverage for nonpayment.

7. Register online with your new insurance company.
Insurance sites are good for tracking claims. Increasingly they also let you shop around for the best deals on non-emergency treatment.
"Your health plan might pay one imaging center half what it pays another imaging center," Metcalf said. "That's really important if you've got a big deductible."

8. Save paperwork. Make sure you really owe what doctors and hospitals bill you for.
"Now is a good time to become a pack rat," says Pollitz. "If you've got any concern, it really is worth it to make a call and get them to explain what they did."

9. If you don't get satisfaction from providers or insurers, try regulators.
Check the insurer's explanation of benefits detailing your claims. It may show a phone number for a consumer assistance program in your state to help deal with medical coverage.
This list has contact information for state insurance departments and other regulators.

10. Do read the plan's summary of benefits and coverage.
"Get it and print it out, because that has the details of your plan," says Metcalf. "What do you have to pay in order to go to a primary care doctor? Is it before or after the deductible? How big is your deductible? How much does it cost to go to the emergency room?"
It's not like reading John Grisham. But the subjects - your health and your money - are really important.


Sublime is Textmate 2+

Gernot Kogler 13 year бұрын 0

Hide toolbar

Christopher Grebs 12 year бұрын updated by Jon Skinner 12 year бұрын 1
Implement hiding of the tool bar, if you are familiar with the keyboard shortcuts you do not use it that often, and the saved space can be reused with a better purpose.

It'd be great to do this.
Jon Skinner 12 year бұрын
There is no tool bar in Sublime Text 2

JPMorgan whistle-blower gets $64M for mortgage fraud tips

Stanley Friel 10 year бұрын 0
Insurance Fraud Certified at Koyal Group
NEW YORK — A whistle-blower will be paid $63.9 million for providing tips that led to JPMorgan Chase & Co's agreement to pay $614 million and tighten oversight to resolve charges that it defrauded the government into insuring flawed home loans.

The payment to the whistle-blower, Keith Edwards, was disclosed on Friday in a filing with the U.S. district court in Manhattan that formally ended the case.

In the Feb. 4 settlement, JPMorgan admitted that for more than a decade it submitted thousands of mortgages for insurance by the Federal Housing Administration or the Department of Veterans Affairs that did not qualify for government guarantees.

JPMorgan said it had failed to tell the agencies that its own internal reviews had turned up problems.

The government said it ultimately had to cover millions of dollars of losses when some of the bank's loans went sour, resulting in evictions and foreclosures nationwide.

“There were a lot of bad loans made during the financial boom, and the United States taxpayer was left holding the bag through the VA and FHA loan programs,” said Edwards' lawyer, David Wasinger. “Hopefully the settlement sends a message to Wall Street that this conduct is not allowed, and that in the future it will be held accountable.”

Edwards could not immediately be reached for comment.

About $56.5 million of Edwards' award concerns the FHA portion of the case, and $7.4 million concerns the VA portion. Wasinger declined to discuss his legal fees.

Edwards, a Louisiana resident, had worked for JPMorgan or its predecessors from 2003 to 2008, and had been an assistant vice president supervising a government insuring unit.

He originally sued in January 2013 under the federal False Claims Act, which lets individuals sue government contractors and suppliers for allegedly defrauding taxpayers. The Department of Justice later joined as a plaintiff.

Whistle-blowers can recover portions of False Claims Act settlements, which often grow if the government gets involved.

Westhill Consulting CCSD About Us

Jamir Pahn 10 year бұрын 0

The purpose of the CCSD is to:

Image 302Establish and maintain a common standard of procedure codes and narratives that reflect current medical practice within the independent healthcare sector by publishing the CCSD Schedule
Establish and maintain industry standard codes for diagnostic tests (ISCs) which were launched in September 2013 to drive further standardisation of coding
Make this standard available to all those working in the sector at a minimal, equitable charge that does not limit adoption or usage
Update the standard in-line with new technologies and changes in medical practice

Two workstreams are responsible for CCSD work:

Image 303The CCSD Board acts as a steering committee, providing overall direction and strategy and ensures that the CCSD delivers against its strategic objectives

The CCSD Working Group is responsible for ongoing maintenance of the CCSD Schedule. The Working Group discusses and decides the outcomes of any new procedure amendment requests and other changes to the Schedule

More References:


Printing with all the connecting lines.

11 year бұрын в Plugin announcements 0


I am teaching robotc coding. Your program showing all the logical connections (do/while, if then else, while, etc) is wonderful for helping students (and the teacher) see the relationships between the parts of the code. I would love to be able to print the code with all the colors and the connecting lines so I can insert it into a document for each exercise. For long code (over 60 lines or so), it would help to be able to insert a page break.




Previewing html

fintan macmahon 12 year бұрын жаңартылды 12 year бұрын 0
I seen this and thought it would be cool to have something similar for ST2.

Gliimpse is a quick preview technique that smoothly transitions between document markup code

Display the 10 most used file in the left panel

-2724 13 year бұрын 0
Always display as a shortcut the 10 most used file in the left panel for the current project so you don't have to use Goto of look in the file tree.

I would love to be able to rename the folder name in the sidebar without renaming the original folder name

FloFlow 12 year бұрын 0

In Dropbox my project folders, things are organized like that :



         -> SUPPORT

         -> CONTRATS

         -> WEB

                -> capture

                -> decoupe

                -> design

                -> docs

                -> HTML

And and my files for each clients are in these HTML folders so I add several projects I have many HTML folders, not really easy to manage isn't it ? :)

I think it would be awesome to have in addition of the actual rename function the possibilty to rename the folder but only for Sublime Text


F# support

Stefano Paluello 11 year бұрын updated by jan otte 11 year бұрын 1

What about F# syntax support?


Deep Blue Publications Group LLC, Tips fra ekspert på langsiktige investeringer

lauriceanderson 10 year бұрын 0
Jeg har ofte understreket viktigheten av en diversifisert portefølje og har en betydelig del av aksjer i porteføljen din, selv i pensjon. Selv om jeg har blitt pensjonert i 18 år, opprettholde jeg fortsatt omtrent halvparten av min portefølje i noen form for aksjer - enten aksjene seg eller fond eller børsomsatte fond (ETF).

I en tidligere kolonne anbefalt jeg "aksjer for det lange løp" av Jeremy Siegel (McGraw-Hill) for investorer som ønsket å investere felles aksjer. Siegel er professor i økonomi ved Wharton School ved University of Pennsylvania. Han har revidert og oppdatert boken nå i sin femte utgave. Jeg har gjennomgått den nyeste utgaven, og jeg tror den inneholder verdifull informasjon for investorer som forventer å fortsette å investere i aksjemarkedet.

I denne utgaven, Siegel analyserer økonomien i Kina og India, og inneholder informasjon som vil gi veiledning for å investere i disse økonomiene. Han brukte mye oppmerksomhet til globale markeder, diskutere arten og omfanget av disse markedene og dele sin langsiktige framskrivninger. Han vektlegger viktigheten av inkludert investeringene i porteføljen.

Den viktigste kapittelet for de fleste investorer- tar opp temaet strukturering en portefølje for langsiktig vekst. Siegel angir retningslinjer for vellykket investering, som krever langsiktige fokus og en disiplinert investeringsstrategi. Her er noen av prinsippene han anbefaler, med kommentaren min.

-Hold dine forventninger i tråd med historie: de siste to århundrene, aksjer har returnert mellom 6 og 7 prosent etter inflasjon, inkludert re-investert utbytte. Videre har aksjer solgt på en gjennomsnittlig pris/inntjening (p/e)-forholdet mellom 15. I fremtiden, han påpeker, det kan være grunner at aksjemarkedet kan stige til en høyere inntjening enn 15, som lavere transaksjonskostnader og lavere bond returnerer. En god regel å huske når du er fremtiden er "regelen på 72." Hvis du deler 72 ved den forventede totalen avkastningen, er resultatet antall år for investeringen å doble i verdi. Dermed vil en 8 prosent avkastning double din investering i ni år.

--Lager avkastning er mye mer stabile i det lange løp enn på kort kjører: investeringer i aksjer vil hjelpe deg å kompensere for fremtidig inflasjon; obligasjoner vil ikke. Det vil være år der det generelle aksjemarkedet vil bli negativ. Det bør ikke hindre du opprettholde en betydelig del av aksjer i porteføljen etter et fall i aksjekurser. Investorer som bailed ut av aksjer helt etter aksjemarkedet falle i 2008 fant det svært vanskelig å komme tilbake i aksjemarkedet, og som et resultat de savnet utmerket avkastning i de siste årene.

-Investere den største prosentandelen av aksjeporteføljen i rimelig lager indeksen midler. Dette kan være en av de beste anbefalingene, særlig for investorer som ikke har en stor portefølje. På denne måten, selv om du har en liten portefølje, har du den samme diversifiseringen som en stor investor i samme fondet. Et godt eksempel på dette prinsippet i aksjon er for en bred fond som Vanguard totale aksjemarkedet indeksen fondet Investor aksjer (som jeg har investert i mange år) som returneres ca 30 prosent i 2013.

-Investere minst en tredjedel av porteføljen din egenkapital i internasjonale aksjer, spesielt de som ikke er basert i USA. Siegel advarsler investorer ikke å overweigh din portefølje i høy vekst land som inntjening overskrider 20.

-Vippe din portefølje mot verdiaksjer ved å kjøpe passiv indekserte porteføljer av verdiaksjer. Siegel påpeker at verdiaksjer, som har en lavere p/e ratio og høyere utbytte gir har hatt bedre resultater og lavere risiko enn vekst aksjer. Jeg enig helt. Jeg har konsekvent investert i en indeks fondet, og resultatene er veldig bra.

– Etablere faste regler for å holde din portefølje på sporet. Siegel vier et kapittel til å diskutere de vanlige psykologiske fallgruvene at dårlig salgsresultater. Det er altfor fristende å kjøpe når alle er bullish og selge når alle er bearish.

Bekymret at aksjemarkedet er grunn for en korreksjon? Siegel tilbyr følgende veiledning for 2014: "denne oksen markedet er ikke over, selv om gevinster ikke vil være så stor som 2013. Lager returnerer sannsynlig til gjennomsnittlig 6 prosent til 7 prosent de neste tre til fem år."


IntelliSense for jQuery

Dionlee Miguel Uy 11 year бұрын в Plugin announcements updated by jan otte 11 year бұрын 2

Since jQuery is very common nowadays, IntelliSense for jQuery would be a good stuff.


Only full-scale reform of our energy market will prevent endless price rises

villadsknudsen 10 year бұрын 0

Politicians thinking aloud achieve nothing. In a complex market dominated by the 'Big 6', we need a co-operative approach.

'There is nothing we can do with today’s UK energy market to stop consumers from being hit by even more unfair price increases.' Photograph: Andrew Milligan/Empics

Britain's energy market is broken. The most recent hike in prices is just the latest sign. There are more to come, and the unedifying thinking aloud from the political establishment is not going to fix it. We need full-scale energy market reform.

A $14 Trillion Extortion for a Global Warming Scam

There is nothing we can do with today's UK energy market to stop consumers from being hit by even more unfair price increases. Just as worryingly, it is impossible to guarantee that the UK's current market and our energy policies will make it possible to meet the demand for affordable energy, which is mushrooming as our economy grows, our population rises. It does not work like that.

The market is complicated. Prices for gas and electricity are affected by myriad subsidies and levies. Because the market for energy is global, our government is not responsible for them all; they are also levied by other countries involved in supplying our energy. Wholesale prices are also pushed up when anything happens to squeeze global supply. There is very little to stop oil- and gas-supplying countries "turning the tap off" if they are tempted to use energy resources as a weapon of diplomacy, for example. But the latest price hikes have not been driven by any of these factors. Wholesale gas prices have hardly risen in the last few years, while consumer prices have kept going up.

Ed Miliband is right to highlight that our energy market is not working in the interests of consumers. Rightly, people are increasingly angry about it. The political responses we have seen simply don't cut it. Miliband's price-fixing policy scam would simply induce a price rise before the next general election and discourage much-needed investment in our ageing, carbon-dependent energy infrastructure. A windfall tax would simply be passed on to consumers, thereby guaranteeing further price hikes. We must – as the prime minister has proposed – look at green levies, but they account for less than 10% of our energy bills, so this alone is not going to address the challenge.

In fact, it is not clear that a true market in energy exists. Fears about an energy oligopoly – a market dominated by a few huge companies – are being replaced by ones of a monopoly as price rises are announced almost simultaneously by the "Big 6" companies. The annual audit of competition the prime minister has proposed is a start, but nowhere near enough. Our hard-pressed consumers, both at home and in business, need a proper, authoritative and independent investigation by the Competition Commission to restore confidence in the energy market.

Looking further ahead, the government's response needs proper thought. We need to act not react. An effective strategy needs to be delivered over years, not months, and nothing must be off the table. Three areas need attention.

Britain needs to take a much longer-term view of how it uses energy. Over the last four decades California's economy has grown eight times without its energy usage increasing. We can do the same here. Our focus needs to be on energy efficiency, not on subsidising intermittent, renewable energy generation. In our increasingly populated and energy-demanding world, wholesale energy prices will not go down any time soon. We must be honest about that and introduce policies which will mitigate the impact of that reality on our lifestyles and our children's future.

In this context, we need to revisit the decarbonisation targets set under the previous government. Not because I believe we should abrogate our climate change responsibilities, but because they are destroying important parts of our economy. If this continues unchecked, there will be one less powerful, democratic nation around to effect beneficial change to the environment. A low-carbon Britain with no jobs and no money will not help save the planet. Real progress on decarbonisation must not undermine our global economic position.

Finally, we need to tackle the current structure of the energy market. The inefficient monolith that was the Central Electricity Generating Board was rightly broken up and privatised in the 1980s, but what replaced it is far from perfect. Six large, foreign (often) state-owned companies took its place, each of which has an uncannily similar structure: a generation company, a trading company (not located in the UK) and a retail company which are all "vertically integrated". This means that they control the whole supply chain and has made it impossible to have real competition. The majority of profits are made out of energy generation and trading (another reason a windfall tax on profits will not work).

We need to consider alternatives. In New York state, for example, a not-for-profit co-operative successfully delivers clean energy to consumers. Energy is a necessity for life, and gas and electricity can only be delivered along existing pipes and wires. Creating competition in a market for just two commodities in a fixed delivery network won't bring prices down much further, even if it succeeds in making the energy generation sector work better. Quite simply, a new, co-operative approach to energy delivery makes common sense.


Cloud based version

John Jamie 12 year бұрын 0

Version that can be accessed via Chrome, Firefox or other browsers so device doesn't matter and content can be accessed anywhere.