
Automatic * when we press enter for comments

Hari K T 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 0
1 )

 Automatic * in new line when we press enter for comments inside /** and */

Robert Shearin, MD

timshearin 10 lat temu 0


Om Robert Shearin, MD Robert Shearin, MD praksis som en børnelæge i Chevy Chase, MD.Robert Shearin, MD uddannet fra Univ Of NC Chapel Hill Sch Of Med, Chapel Hill Nc 27599.

primær specielle børnelæge
praksis Capital Medical Group
uddannelse Univ Of NC Chapel Hill Sch Of Med, Chapel Hill Nc 27599
træning Walter Reed Army Med Ctr, Pediatrics, Vanderbilt Univ Med Ctr, Pediatrics

Robert Shearin, MD giver pædiatrisk pleje på 5530 Wisconsin Ave Ste 1125, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 i Chevy Chase, MD 20815.
Børnelæger yde omfattende pleje til spædbørn, børn og unge. De er i stand til at diagnosticere og behandle sygdomme, skader, betingelser og udviklingsmæssige spørgsmål.
Hvis du vil vide mere, eller at lave en aftale med Capital Medical Group i Chevy Chase, MD, kan du ringe (301) 907-3960.


Quick Add Next Wraps

colinta 12 lat temu 0
I do not like "selection wrapping", I always have it disabled.  But in the most recent build, when I use "Quick Find Next", it wraps to the top of the file anyway.

Ability to configure different key bindings with right and left cmd/option/ctrl key

Ying-Chi I 11 lat temu 0

Currently Sublime Text 2 has the ability to configure all keybinding using cmd/option/ctrl keys. But both the right and left cmd/option/ctrl keys are interpreted as the same key.

It would be nice to be able to, for example, assign cmd_L + C to copy and cmd_R + C to something else entirely.  




Emacs-style self documentation

Timo Varis 12 lat temu 0

In emacs you can use describe-function to tell where function code is located, to what key is it bind on, and how is it used (parameters etc.). This kind of functionality would greatly enchance user experience in ST2 also.


For plain text it should fix spelling errors/

Kyle Bladen 12 lat temu 0
For fixing the spelling errors one might make while writing something in this.

Auto Complete doesn't close automatically

jeffhatz 12 lat temu 0
I will type text in, and before the auto complete dialog appears, I'll arrow around, sometimes to the next line. However, the auto complete dialog will still appear after the Nms elapses. Arrowing around should cancel the auto complete dialog from appearing.

Clips system

J Hardy 13 lat temu 0
Is there a clips system like Coda has? I love the snippets but really love the clips system in Coda to create were I can have the clips window with my own code chunks.

Search/Replace enhancements

Emiliyan Korgoth Parvanov 13 lat temu 0
Search and replace should have color indications (ie search input turns red when no occurances are found and blue when the search wraps). That way you wont have to stare at the statusbar, but can see the colorcode and know whats happening.
Also replace should popup also with ctrl+f (to be honest, most of the times you search something when coding you need to do a replace afterwords, so popiung up the replace dialog is a good idea imo).
The buttons in the search and replace boxes should have a highlighted letter, so that they are accessible via a keyboard combination - for example you search for a word, then enter the replacement for that word and then hit lets say alt+r for replace, and alt+a for replace all (key combinations are of course just a suggestions)

Ctrl+Shift+N not opening new window in HTML file

Alexander Rechsteiner 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 1
Ctrl+Shift+N is supposed to open a new window, and it does in a text file. However, when I change the syntax to HTML then the command does select part of the code instead of opening a new window. I think this shortcut should be consistent over all file and syntax types.

ST 2, Build 2181 

Windows 8 Customer Preview


Support for reverse mouse wheel using Autohotkey

JCarles Vilaseca 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 0
I'm using this Autohotkey config:

    Send {WheelDown}

    Send {WheelUp}

NCL plugin?

ENoble 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez robertcollier4 11 lat temu 1

Hi, I just stumbled upon SublimeText today.  There is a programming language I use called NCL (http://www.ncl.ucar.edu).

I would like to use this editor with it. The NCL group provides a link where any group can create a plugin for their editor here, http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/editor.shtml#textmate

Is it possible someone at SublimeText could do this? I don't know how. 

I will try to do so in 10 days. 


Make XML syntax definition mark invalid double-hyphen inside comment

Ola Vikholt 12 lat temu 0
In other words, please apply this patch or some variation of it.

diff --git a/a b/XML.tmLanguage

index 9438f60..bbb5823 100644

--- a/a

+++ b/XML.tmLanguage

@@ -109,6 +109,15 @@




+                       <key>patterns</key>

+                       <array>

+                               <dict>

+                                       <key>match</key>

+                                       <string>--</string>

+                                       <key>name</key>

+                                       <string>invalid.illegal.double-hyphen-in-comment.xml</string>

+                               </dict>

+                       </array>





Erlang syntax highlighting error (with potential fix!)

Anselm Eickhoff 12 lat temu 0

In Erlang, fun is not only a keyword for lambdas, but can also be used in -spec macro directives.


-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box,
  Pos :: integer(),
  AccStart :: X,
  Fun :: fun((Pos :: integer(), Acc::X) -> (Y))
) -> [Y].

This breaks syntax highlighting afterwards though (because Sublime text thinks we're in an anonymous function that has never been ended).

(multiline or single line -spec doesn't matter).

It can be fixed by ignoring the fun keyword if it follows two colons in this case:

Erlang.tmLanguage, line 699





This is only a hack though, because the parameter spec could also be unnamed:

-spec for_house_of(Type :: row|column|box,
  fun((integer(), X) -> (Y))
) -> [Y].

Remove special characters from sublime text 2 directories and files

Nicholas Whittier 13 lat temu 0
I am running the Linux (x86_64) build.  I realize that this does not have true feature ramifications, but it would be great if the file/directories were restructured to remove spaces and special characters.   

I love the simple elegance that ST offers almost as much as the straight-forward customization that is available in the config files.  Then I navigate to those config files to find filenames like "Base File (Linux).sublime-settings" and I cringe.

Code comments that show up in sidebar.

Joren Mathews 12 lat temu 0
If you could create a comment in code, which would show up readably sized in the sidebar. Something like //!User section would print "User section" legibly where that comment appears floating over the sidebar.

Zen-coding and multiple cursors produces unusual results.

Aaron Spaulding 12 lat temu 0

Paste the following text in to ST2 then put cursors after the braces. Press tab:





It produces the following output:






I'd like to be able to configure the behavior (e.g. timeout, number of saves, whatever) of the password prompt for saving documents that require superuser privileges.

David Stults 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 11 lat temu 2
The ability to save files which require superuser privileges is a great option, but for the work I do, I save fairly often, and as a result I get prompted for my password every couple of minutes.  My password is complicated, so this is irritating, and since my workstation is quite secure I'd like the option to loosen the re-prompt frequency.

The Crown Capital Management Global Journalism International Relations Blog: The UK is having a hard time breaking away from trade deficit

Lass Zing 10 lat temu 0
The Crown Capital Management Global Journalism International Relations Blog:The UK is having a hard time breaking away from trade deficit

Exports have reached new record levels as it arose, but imports have exceeded as well as its prior highs and thread of shockingly high deficits is almost unchanged. Due to this some scientists say that the recovery will only make the gap grow. The UK continues to import more than they export and are carrying a perpetual trade deficit.

The UK has balanced its trade deficit with income from abroad for a period of time. Many companies and investors who own assets in foreign lands and send back the gains to UK are still enjoying the legacy of the empire.

The positive result on UK’s present account has decreased harshly since the financial crash, but, and the future looks less hopeful.

On this Corner:
The CCM International Relations
HSBC’s chief economist, Stephen King, is also affected by 5% deficit. He argues that that should be down to zero or positive in the aftermath of a severe recession.

King’s concern is that deficits grow in times when many shoppers consume more imported goods than ever. Much better to start from a situation of balance or even a positive balance sooner than the situation worsens.

An appropriate recession, one in which declining wages or mass unemployment that eradicate people’s incomes in total, lessen the import bill noticeably. It is a land that can be seen in Greece, Spain and Portugal, where the horrendous economic and financial conditions they find themselves in have at least improved the trade balance.

The Keynesian answer to the crisis in the UK implemented by Labour and partly sustained by the coalition supports employment and public services; however, as well has the unlucky consequence of preserving high levels of imports. That is the reason the enormous deficits run up by successive governments during and after the recession required to be offset by a major jump in exports.

Regardless of a 25% drop in the significance of sterling, the increase was just small. There are many rival explanations for the reason. The dependence on the EU, which separate from Germany has resisted development since 2008. The inclination for exporters to jack up their prices instead of the increase production as an answer to higher demand is one more long-term problem.

Both give slight motive to expect that an economy that month on month runs a historic elevated deficit previous to the upturn has achieved actual momentum, and with imports increasing further, can evade a mini sterling crisis.

Doomsayers disagree Britain has 18 months to two years to discover its export mojo ahead of it is becoming crystal clear a lower pound is needed. A minor pound would give exporters another increase and perhaps close up the deficit, however, would as well elevate import prices and inflation. Higher inflation, joined with a consumer boom that is mostly based on additional borrowing, may perhaps oblige the Bank of England to jack up interest rates. Whatever supporters of higher rate dispute, a speedy and vicious response from the central bank is unwanted and would convey the recovery to a shaky halt.

File Open behaviour.

Me Whatever 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 0

The File Open Dialog seems to be an old one. You should be able to type paths that are not valid but sublime to fix the path separator if you typed '/' instead of '\' on Windows. For example opening file at: C:\Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/textfile.txt doesn`t work.
Also alt+v should open the view types, I usually switch to detailed view by using combination cltrl+v then press l and it switches to details view.
Maybe the control is older.