
restart dialog when new plugin is installed

Eliecer Daza 11 år siden i Plugin announcements 0

When some plugins are installed and need Sublime Text restart no dialog or menu exist


give info on what's going on in the status bar

Daniele Conti 12 år siden 0

for example, plugin installing, plugins infos and such


Edit Multiselection Mode

Cédric Néhémie 12 år siden 0

It would be nice to have a special mode for multi-selection that allow to tab between each selection and edit their content individually. The mode could be toggled with a key shortcuts, allowing for sequence such as:
1. I create a bunch of multi selection cursors in the beginning of several lines.

2. I write down some basic affectation such 'var a = 0;'

3. Always in multi selection, I come back to select the 'a' in the previous exemple.

4. I toggle the edit selection mode and I tab over all the 'a' to write a different variable name for each (at that time the individual selection I edit expand itself according to the new content).

5. I toggle back to the normal multiselection mode, which now have all the var name in the selection.

6. I could then repeat the operation with the variable value this time and define for each a different value, without losing my multi selection.



undo history - like are browser

Toby Evans 12 år siden opdateret 12 år siden 0
An undo history list - like a browser - could be neat.
So you can jump back 10 history steps easily for example.
Not sure how you'd label each step though...

vintage mode, "." command repeating

-ML- 12 år siden opdateret 12 år siden 0
after changing a word with "cw" (change word) the command-repeater "." only repeats the last character instead of changing the next word. Same is for "ct" (change to). Is this possible to fix with the vintage implementation?

Change default key-binding for selecting multiple lines on OSX

Jelle de Jong 12 år siden opdateret af Gerrit Kaiser 12 år siden 3
Please change it to:
  { "keys": ["super+shift+up"], "command": "select_lines", "args": {"forward": false} },
  { "keys": ["super+shift+down"], "command": "select_lines", "args": {"forward": true} }

Now it's using 'ctrl+shift+' and the arrow keys, these are default key-bindigs voor 'Mission control'.

Sidebar search?

Mentalhead 11 år siden 0

I'm new to ST2, but I have a question.
I have a website with tons of images, so I use Sidebar to find them. However, since I have 100+ images there scrolling isn't the option.

GoTo Anything doesn't help, it just finds lines of code, but I need something that will find those files in my Sidebar, highlight them, or at least scroll the sidebar to that specific file.


Draggable selection

petrov 13 år siden 0
Make any selected area dragable. Quite helpful manipulating big pieces of text.

Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours Based In Singapore Offers New Family Friendly Trips

madisonwalker 10 år siden 0

Image 314The active travel consultant company Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours based in Singapore sets international adventure vacation standards. The company announces 10 new-for-2014 adventure destinations that are all value-driven family.

The company’s founder and CEO says, “I know how important family is and I value keeping the family tradition going. It has been my personal mission in life. This year we took a closer look at our itineraries and prices and offer as much value and relief as we can. We offer kid-friendly lodgings with exemplary service and cuisine, all at a very competitive price. We assure you won't be having any complaints.”

Westhill Consulting Travel & Tours Singapore accept children of all ages. And since there are no age restrictions on custom and private trips, family trips are becoming increasingly popular. Grandparents can also come with travel plans, including extended family members.

The company has carefully designed itineraries to include supervised activities for kids while adults enjoy a candlelit meal or some private downtime. A special child pricing for the child or children with parents or grandparents is offered. There are also some other special offers for families such as an extra guide and van and such-kid friendly equipment as tag-along bikes, squirt guns and games.

“We've created the perfect blend of cross-generational activity, comfort and adventure to satisfy adventurers of all ages with many choices and flexibility on our family vacation trips,” Westhill says.

Accommodations are carefully designed to combine child-friendly elements.
Laser Game
Technology has improved on paintball and now you can enjoy the same fun as paintball without the pain of getting hit or the mess of the paint. Laser Game uses infrared technology to record hits on an individual or a team. At the end of the session a printout is generated with the record of all the action during the 15-minute session. Played in a maze with black light, this is a great activity for children 8 years and older - all the way to adults. Corporations are a using a lot laser games as a way to encourage team building or outings for their young executives. The company offers a free training session which includes safety advice and warnings.

Kidzania is a role playing indoor theme park. Children are given the opportunity to work at over 70 professions with opportunities to become a doctor or a pilot or baker for the day. They are paid with Kidzos, the official currency of the park. There are two sessions during the day, 9:00– 2:00 and 3:00 – 8:00. Because of its popularity, it is best to make reservations for your child. Kidzania is located in Pacific Place Mall in Jakarta.

See more:

Change file mode in the side bar(ala chmod +w, etc)

Alex Rodriguez 13 år siden 0
Some editors allow to change the file mode right there in their project tree UI, in the case of sublime, the side bar. I see this feature useful when app is in full screen mode and I need to change/add the mode to a given file, In windows and need to go to the win explorer and right click then go to properties and uncheck the read only checkbox. In the case of linux/mac is chmod +w.

This need happen to me due some VCS populate files in read-only state, so I need to go and change their state as need it.

please google DART support

please google DART support


Hide / Show Panels

Lee Doel 12 år siden 0

It would be really good if there was a way to hide a panel and show it again.
As an example i am wokring on multiple files ive grouped them into panels but i dont want to see them all at the same time. im having to make the panel smaller and larger to view the files


Shortcut to wrap strings in #{}

CarlM 12 år siden opdateret 12 år siden 0
In Ruby and CoffeeScript, selecting text inside a double-quoted string ("") and hitting # should wrap the selected text in #{}. TextMate does this and it's such a timesaver. 


Scroll bar malfunctions on short files

Daniel Azuma 13 år siden opdateret 13 år siden 2
Build 2051 on Mac OS X 10.6

Open a short file that doesn't "require" a scroll bar. (That is, the scroll bar appears to span the entire height of the pane.)

Attempt to drag the scroll bar. (Either up or down-- it doesn't matter.)

This causes the pane to "scroll" past the end of the document, such that the entire document is above the viewport. At this point, it looks like the scroll bar is in an inconsistent state. It is at this point not possible to view the document any further since the entire document is out of the viewport, and although you can continue to perform edits, the scroll bar malfunctions from this point on and you can no longer use it until you close and re-open the buffer.

I have not tested later dev builds with the different scrolling behavior, and I do not have "smooth scrolling" turned on.

Should not be necessary to have both Minimap and vertical scrollbar.

John Hind 11 år siden 0

The minimap, if selected, should replace the vertical scrollbar. Only minor enhancements would be necessary to give the minimap all the functionality of the scrollbar and this would save space and look neater. If the minimap is not selected, then the normal scrollbar should be shown instead, but there should never be both scrollbar and minimap visible.


Tabs as seperate windows, on Windows 7

Jens Ulrich Hjuler Pedersen 13 år siden opdateret af chaiguy 12 år siden 1
Just like most modern browsers do, make us able to go straight to a specific tab, simply by using the regular windows UI.

See Chrome for reference.

What Credentials Are Needed to Become an Insurance Investigator?

iamerincuddy 10 år siden 0
Insurance investigators research and verify claims to make sure no fraud or cheating is involved. They search records and databases, conduct personal interviews and inspect damaged vehicles, property and buildings. They also write reports of their findings and cooperate with other investigators and law enforcement professionals. Although investigator jobs often require only a high school diploma, many hiring managers prefer candidates with relevant work experience or education. Some investigators must be licensed.

High School
Insurance companies usually require a high school education or the equivalent for insurance investigator jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Take speech classes or join the debate club in high school to develop the interviewing skills you will need as a future investigator. Take courses in English and writing to prepare for the report-writing component of an investigator's career.

College Training
Some insurance companies prefer to hire investigators with college degrees, although no degree is mandatory. The desired degree varies with the type of claims work. For example, an engineering degree is useful for investigating claims in factories, while an accounting degree equips you to investigate business fraud. A bachelor's degree in criminal justice is another path to the job of insurance investigator. A criminal justice program provides a legal background plus the necessary skills in research, investigation and critical thinking.

More At:
Investigator Education at Koyal Group

5 Insurance-Buying Mistakes to Avoid

Marina Zimmer 10 år siden 0
Buying insurance can be confusing, but when the unexpected happens – a house fire, a fender bender or a broken bone – it's a relief to know that some of those financial losses will be covered. But how do you know how much coverage you need? And what questions should you ask before buying a policy? Many consumers aren't sure. Insurance coverage is far from one size fits all, so here's a look at mistakes some consumers make when buying insurance.

1. Assuming insurance is out of reach. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 48 million Americans had no health insurance in 2012. And about 30 percent of U.S. households have no life insurance, according to LIMRA, a worldwide research and consulting organization for insurance and financial services. In some cases, consumers skip insurance because they think it's out of their budget. Often, that's not the case, according to Marvin Feldman, president and CEO of the LIFE Foundation, a nonprofit organization that educates consumers about financial planning and insurance. The LIFE Foundation collaborated with LIMRA on the 2013 Insurance Barometer Study, which found that the average consumer thinks life insurance is three times more expensive than it actually is. "[Consumers are] not researching it to determine what the cost is," Feldman says.

When buying health insurance or property and casualty insurance, ask about potential discounts. "Two-thirds of consumers don't realize they can get financial help if they buy their own health insurance, and they can get financial help if they go and buy in these health insurance marketplaces," says Lynn Quincy, senior policy analyst with Consumers Union, a division of Consumer Reports. "You may be way overpaying if you don't investigate this possibility." While health insurance discounts are often income-based, homeowners and auto insurers offer discounts for everything from being a member of groups like AARP, to being a good student or a good driver, to having a home security system.

2. Relying on assumptions or outdated figures. Changing economic conditions mean you might need more insurance coverage than you had in the past. Take life insurance. In the past, consumers might have based their life insurance coverage on their current income, but "if something happens and you're no longer around, you need more capital at work to provide the same income [to your beneficiaries]," Feldman says. Disability and long-term care insurance are even more complicated than traditional life insurance. "For disability, do you want coverage that lasts forever? Are there health issues in your family?" Feldman asks. "That's where you need to speak to somebody to get some guidance."

In the case of homeowners insurance, your home could be underinsured if you've renovated or if the cost to build a home has increased due to higher material costs or other factors. That's why experts recommend reviewing insurance coverage once a year to make sure it still fits your needs. Talk to your insurance agent if you're unsure.

3. Shopping on price alone. Comparing insurance policies can be confusing, but resist the urge to simply choose the policy with the lowest premium. Consider the company's reputation and the coverage you'd get for that premium. "As a general rule with health insurance, the higher the premium, the lower the amount you pay when you go to the doctor," Quincy says. Private health insurance plans must provide coverage examples showing what your estimated out-of-pocket costs would be for, say, having a baby or managing Type 2 diabetes. Some examples might not apply to you, but they can help you compare plans and see how much you might pay in coinsurance and copays.

"Make sure you're shopping apples to apples and getting quotes based on the same coverage that you have," says Lori Conarton, a spokeswoman for the Insurance Institute of Michigan. Your property and casualty insurance may not cover things like food spoilage in the event of a power outage or stolen electronics worth more than $1,000, so you may want to purchase extra endorsements to cover those possibilities, she adds.



Westhill Consulting About Travel
Westhill Consulting Travel Guide and Tips


Color-coding file names in the sidebar dependent on last modification time

Dragan Espenschied 12 år siden 0
The Kate text editor for KDE uses a similar layout of the sidebar, displaying a list of files. Based on their last modification time, the files get different background colors. The most recently edited gets a quite bright background color that fades when edits are made in other files. This is very handy to quickly the spot the two or three files inside a project that need editing today.

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