
Support Wayland as a platform.

Ryan Smith vor 10 Jahren 0

Wayland will likely replace X11 on most linux distributions in the near future.  Please consider supporting Wayland natively instead of relying on XWayland (X11 running on Wayland).

You may want to look at what the Gnome people have done so far to port their toolkit:



Natural sorting in project view

Rob Miller vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Matthijs van der Vleuten vor 12 Jahren 1
Image 45

Natural sorting (i.e. 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, rather than 1, 10, 11, 2, 7) would be a real plus in the project pane.

Saving a new project defaults to an inconvenient initial location for the save dialog

lanzz vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Manuel Meurer vor 12 Jahren 1
When you create a new project, add a folder (or several) to it, and try to save it, the initial location in the "Save Project As" dialog is some left-over location from a previous "open file" or "save as" action, which is rarely related in any way to a new project. It would be more useful if the initial save location in the dialog is the first folder added to the project, or a common parent folder of all folders in the project perhaps? As it is at the moment, I usually have to climb up from a deep location inside a very-unrelated other project or start from my home and climb down to the project.

OSX 10.6.8, ST2 build 2139


Paul1287 vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Andrew Murrell vor 10 Jahren 3

Thanks for providing such a powerful and nice source code editor. Being a theoretical physicist I've to write code both in C++ and Fortran. Among many other languages C++ is also supported in Sublime Text 2. But, I've always felt a need for a editor which supports Fortran language along with many useful features like code folding etc. Will it be possible that Sublime Text 2 support for Fortran??

Thanks in advance. 

Best Regards,



Is there an option to turn off FILES from the sidebar?

jleequeen vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 11 Jahren 3
Some people may like it, but I really hate the FILES being at the top of the sidebar, because it's a waste.  I know you can collapse it, but it's really a turn off.  It's open by default, and for me, it serves no purpose.  I know what files I have open in the tab bar.  Is there a way I can turn this off?
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
Added in 2111

Built-in web output tab

farcaller vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Xavura vor 12 Jahren 1
It would be very useful to have a tab supporting web output. Mostly what I'm interested in is a python-scriptable webkit container. 
That would allow to make highly customised output, useful in lots of scenarios (take a look on what TM1 does with tests output for rspec, it's pretty amazing).
Additionally it would allow those of us who do web development to have a possibility of "internal" browser for any testing.
And just think about how it could improve the situation with in-editor API documentation.

Centralized repository for plugins

Alexandre Gravem vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Will Bond vor 13 Jahren 3
It would be nice if you set up a website or some other way to keep track of existing plugins for ST2.

Change App icon

Ted Pearson vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von klo uo vor 11 Jahren 5
The App Icon looks too similar to Terminal.app. I keep getting confused between the two. Recommend a change for sure!

Why does Windows Install require Administrator privileges?

Anthony Whitford vor 11 Jahren 0

I'd like to test-drive Sublime, but am unable to install it because it requires Administrator privileges, which I do not have -- only Power User...

Are Administrator privileges truly necessary?


Zen-coding feature by default.

Il'ya Safrankov vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Timothy Johnson, VA vor 12 Jahren 5

reveal_in_side_bar should scroll the side bar to show the file

Simon Wade vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von sand12937 vor 11 Jahren 3

reveal_in_side_bar should scroll the side bar to show the file. Currently I have to collapse the side bar in order to get it to do this. Also expand all and collapse all for the sidebar would be useful.


Make unsaved files bold in sidebar (folders section)

mrmachine vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Dirk Heider vor 12 Jahren 2
Also make collapsed folders that contain unsaved files bold, so that unsaved files aren't hidden beneath collapsed folders.

Add a code navigator, like panic coda

Danny Smith vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Matthias Dietrich vor 12 Jahren 2
I would love to see a code navigator in the project area like coda has.

Convert encoding on the fly or at least when using "Save As..."

Oktay Acikalin vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
Sometimes I have to convert the character encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 or others. It would be nice to do this with the currently active view or at least when using "Save As...".
For the in-buffer-variant one could come up with a plugin tho...

Tag Highlighting / Angle Bracket Highlighting

Greenwich vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren 6
It would be nice if tags were highlighted the same way that brackets are e.g.
<div id = 'example'>
blah blah
Jon Skinner vor 12 Jahren
Added in 2126

Use KDE file dialogs

Stefan Markusen vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Francesco Magazzu' vor 7 Jahren 1

The one element that would improve the user experience on KDE the most is the usage of the native file open/save dialogs.

This is not only about the look, but also about functionality, e.g. favorite folders.

Implementation is straightforward by using the `kdialog` CLI utility.

One project that does this already is Chromium, using the xdg-utils.

Starting point reference: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/codesearch#chrome/src/third_party/xdg-utils/scripts/xdg-file-dialog


Text markers for Folding

greppo vor 12 Jahren 0
Vim supports text markers for folding, by default {{{ and }}} demarcate the start and end of a folding region.   These can be nested.  Typically I include {{{ and }}} in comments to mark logical blocks of code or XML.
I would like a means in the Sublime Text API to create nested folds based on a marker string independent of the syntax.

Fixed position for open files block in sidebar

Stijn De Meyere vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Bill Dami vor 12 Jahren 2
When you have a long folder tree in the sidebar and you start scrolling down, the "Open Files" bock disappears. It would be nice if this block had a fixed position, as in Espresso on mac, where the tree scrolls under the "Open Files" or Workspace.

This way, people who don't use tabs can still have a quick overview of the currently open files. 

Spellcheck only comments

Eduardo Felipe Castegnaro vor 13 Jahren 0
Now that SublimeText 2 already has a great spellchecker it would be nice to limit it to comments instead of comments and strings.

Since not all strings will be user visible, but a documentation is always developer-visible, it makes sense to limit the scope of spellchecking.

No print option in Sublime Text2

karesh Mahesh vor 11 Jahren 0

There is no print option at all in Sublime Text2. I think this is one of the basic feature of any text editor. Notepad has it :D