Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


restart dialog when new plugin is installed

Eliecer Daza 11 lat temu w Plugin announcements 0

When some plugins are installed and need Sublime Text restart no dialog or menu exist


give info on what's going on in the status bar

Daniele Conti 12 lat temu 0

for example, plugin installing, plugins infos and such


Edit Multiselection Mode

Cédric Néhémie 12 lat temu 0

It would be nice to have a special mode for multi-selection that allow to tab between each selection and edit their content individually. The mode could be toggled with a key shortcuts, allowing for sequence such as:
1. I create a bunch of multi selection cursors in the beginning of several lines.

2. I write down some basic affectation such 'var a = 0;'

3. Always in multi selection, I come back to select the 'a' in the previous exemple.

4. I toggle the edit selection mode and I tab over all the 'a' to write a different variable name for each (at that time the individual selection I edit expand itself according to the new content).

5. I toggle back to the normal multiselection mode, which now have all the var name in the selection.

6. I could then repeat the operation with the variable value this time and define for each a different value, without losing my multi selection.



undo history - like are browser

Toby Evans 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 0
An undo history list - like a browser - could be neat.
So you can jump back 10 history steps easily for example.
Not sure how you'd label each step though...

vintage mode, "." command repeating

-ML- 12 lat temu zaktualizowano 12 lat temu 0
after changing a word with "cw" (change word) the command-repeater "." only repeats the last character instead of changing the next word. Same is for "ct" (change to). Is this possible to fix with the vintage implementation?

Peter K 12 lat temu 0


Make All features optional!!! :D

Joe DF 11 lat temu 0

For example, some don't like autocomplete tips, tabs in titlebar, and others do..
But if its optional, anybody can choose what they want! :D
It would satisfy everybody! Adding profiles, saving these optionss. :)
This will be very interesting!


contextual API help

Martin Mitáš 12 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Chris Broumley 11 lat temu 1

Most API documentation today is available on the net. It would be cool to support web search for this. For example consider this use case:

Step 1) In some config file, user can define new seach pattern, e.g. "" and assign it some hot-key (e.g. <alt>+<f1>)

Step 2) Select some text in a source code (e.g. CreateWindow)

Step 3) Activate the search by hot key.

Step 4) SublimeText would open a browser with the URL defined by the pattern and the currently selected text.


Select text typed since last operation

Brian Vito 13 lat temu 0
A command that selects the text just typed in (since the last mouse click or command) like ESC in Smalltalk-80, sam or acme or pressing both LEAP keys together on the SwyftCard or Canon Cat.

Have all the "find" or "goto" functions temporarily overlay or replace the sidebar content.

Todd Lucas 13 lat temu 0
Look at Word 2010 for Windows to see a good example of find with provides results with good context.  This should improve the useability of "find" and "goto" commands while retaining maximum buffer space.