Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


Remove a single folder folder from a project

Russell Keith-Magee vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 1
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
Added in build 2027

task-focused interface (like eclipse mylyn)

Robert Kasanicky vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Eugene Bezludny vor 8 Jahren 1
As an eclipse user I really miss the Mylyn functionality (quick demo

In my mind a basic task-focused interface would cover:
1. task creation/import - I can define local tasks and there's an API for writing connectors that retrieve tasks from remote issue trackers
2. every task carries it's own persistent context (primarily which files are open) and when I activate a task the context is restored

Allow hiding of the title bar

Andrew Rabon vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Jae Page vor 8 Jahren 3
Basically make it more like Chrome and integrate the tabs and the title bar into one, to preserve pixels.

Function parameter auto-complete

Caleb Morris vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Bruno Lemos vor 11 Jahren 1
When auto completing a function pop up a small off-set message of the parameter inputs.
ex: foo( int a, real b ); // declared above
when foo auto-completed "foo(" is put and a message shows "foo( int, int )"

Set font size per pane

Joel Thornton vor 13 Jahren 0
Allow the user to persistently change the font size independently for each pane in the UI. For example, the user should be able to use a smaller font size for the console pane than their main text buffer.

Sort numbered files/folders in the sidebar correctly

Jeff Byrnes vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Daniel Baumann vor 11 Jahren 28
Currently, a series of files or folders which are numbered are not sorted correctly in the sidebar if they enter the hundreds. For example:


While I know this is often how *nix systems sort, I think many would agree that the intent of a series of numbered folders would be to sort correctly, as if they were integers.

ctypes can't be imported in Linux

Fredrik Ehnbom vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von 美龙 谢 vor 12 Jahren 8
Go to the python console and type "import ctypes" in build 2139 and you'll get:

>>> import ctypes
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File ".\ctypes\", line 10, in <module>
ImportError: No module named _ctypes

Ability to disable/hide scroll bar(s)

Jan Bader vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 11 Jahren 4
Please add the ability to hide the scroll bar(s). 

I barely use them, since it slows me down to use the mouse and if I use the mouse, i usually use the mousewheel.

Also, the vertical scrollbar is redundant with the minimap.
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren

This can be done by setting the overlay_scroll_bars global setting to "enabled".

This was added in 2091


Paredit for Clojure

Shantanu Kumar vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von David Foster vor 11 Jahren 5

ST's Clojure support falls short of paredit. Please consider supporting paredit for Clojure.


Bundle python ssl module

Will Bond vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Julien Bouquillon vor 11 Jahren 10
It would be nice to be able to pull data from web servers that use SSL certs. From what I can tell, urllib2 needs the python ssl module to be able to download from https:// urls.