Sublime Text 2 is a text editor for OS X, Linux and Windows, currently in beta.


In session versioning and diff history.

John Sundberg vor 12 Jahren 0
Would like to highlight a section of code (or a couple of lines) -- and see the version history of the selected code (not the whole file) -- also don't want to do undo a bunch of times to get back to where I was (as this also modifies other unrelated sections that may have been modified in the meantime. Would require some sort of built-in hidden versioning. 

PHP <<<EOF issue

Joe Simpson vor 12 Jahren 0
When typing <<<EOF with the fuzzy matching plugin on, it automatically changes it to <<<enchant_broker_fee. Can you add some logic to prevent it from doing that?

Thanks :)

Smart comments - update on save

PatrickTaylorEdwards vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von Jacob Gardner vor 11 Jahren 1

Perhaps this already exists, but I would love my comments to be updated each time I save a file. For example, I have a comment at the start of all my JavaScript files and when I save the file I would like my comment to update, automatically. The comment includes information such as 'Modified By', 'Date last edited', and the file name. A plugin or feature to add a default comment with this information, in my set format, would be really useful; I imagine it would work in the same way as default email signatures - but with variables.


How can I create a selection?

Oktay Acikalin vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
I've written a plugin which replaces the selected regions with some other content. Now I would like to reselect the results to show the user what has been replaced. How can I do this?

Upgrading to 3 automatically import all your pluggins and UI settings from v2

Craig Russo vor 11 Jahren 0

When 3 is released can it import all your settings and plugins from 2 so you don't have to install and configure all that stuff again? I have the side bar in a dark color scheme and just a punch of plugins installed that while its easy to install them when you have a lot it's a pain.


navigation - sidebar text preview

walter lynsdale vor 12 Jahren 0

see Mac email client.

how about an option to show 1 or 2 lines of text from the current location in each open file in the sidebar

Only enable when the sidebar is expanded beyond a certain size.

This preview text would be in a small, faint font so as not to distract from the filename itself


With this multiple views into file this could do a similar job to bookmarks, or could almost be like a textual "Expose"


Selecting text should hide the cursor until a selection is made

Caleb Land vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von lanzz vor 13 Jahren 1
In OS X at least, while dragging to make a selection, the cursor disappears. It makes making selections in Sublime feel a little off. Usually on OS X, the cursor isn't available at all while the selection is in place, but I understand that Sublime needs to show the cursor position while a selection is made.

I think Sublime should hide the cursor while dragging.

File dialogs always open in list view Mac-side, instead of column view

Matt Harzewski vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 0
On OS X, the general convention is for open/save dialogs to automatically retain the user's chosen view style instead of reverting to a default one like Sublime Text 2 currently does. (I tend to prefer the Column view myself.)

How to select other tab via keyboard?

Denis Tomilin vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 1
I know Alt+num = split screen modes.
Shift+Ctrl+num = move file into different group.
Ctrl+num = move focus to different group.
But how i can move focus on different tab in current group?
Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren
20110203 now has a menu (File/Switch File) that lists the different commands to switch files.

You can switch directly to a tab via Alt+<number> on Linux and Windows, and Command+<number> on OS X

Feature Request: Blank Document By Default

Jesse Squire vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Jon Skinner vor 13 Jahren 1
I would be interested in an option to allow a new (blank) document to be opened by default when there were no documents from the previous session to restore.