Generate a sequence of numbers; increment replace
This is a regex feature that seems to be unique to TexPad on Windows. From their help files:
Expression: Effect:
\i Replace with numbers starting from 1, incrementing by 1.
\i(10) Replace with numbers starting from 10, incrementing by 1.
\i(0,10) Replace with numbers starting from 0, incrementing by 10.
\i(100,-10) Replace with numbers starting from 100, decrementing by -10.
To insert line numbers at the start of each line:
Search for:^
Replace with:\i
To update sequence numbers of the form Axxx, Bxxx, … ,Zxxx where "xxx" is any number >= 100, independent of the letters, which are to be preserved:
Search for:\([A-Z]\)[1-9][0-9][0-9]+
Replace with:\1\i(100)
That would be seriously cool. We're looking at migrating from TextPad to Sublime, and would love to retain this feature.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Similar functionality has been developed as a Sublime Text 2 Plugin. It is available via Package Control under the name InsertNums.
We created a plugin with the functionality we needed.
incrementing not working correctly. It is adding 10 to all the single digit incremented numbers like 110,210,310,410 etc., when used \1(10) and \1(100). I tried this in textpad. What is the correct replace string.
Use curly bracket instead of parenthesis.
Use curly bracket instead of parenthesis.